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“Suyana” bedeutet “Hoffnung” auf Quechua


"Suyana" means "hope" in Quechua; a language spoken by over seven million people in South America from Colombia to Argentina.


Hoffnung ist wunderschön. Hoffnung ist positive Erwartung, ist Vertrauen in das Hier & Jetzt, in die Zukunft, in uns selbst. Hoffnung ist Optimismus pur. Hoffnung steckt voller Kraft, Klarheit & Entschlossenheit. Hoffnung ist eine energetische Kraftquelle: Im Herzen entfaltet sie grenzenloses kreatives Potenzial – jenseits von Ungewissheit & Unsicherheit. Hoffnung ist die Abwesenheit von Angst, Furcht oder Zweifel, sie schenkt uns die Gewissheit, mit allen Unwägbarkeiten souverän umgehen zu können. Hoffnung ist unendlich & unerschöpflich – sie stirbt nicht zuletzt, Hoffnung ist immer da.

Mit unserer Suyana Vission möchten wir all diese wundervollen Eigenschaften zum Ausdruck bringen. Wir möchten mit Suyana Hoffnung zurückgeben: Hoffnung für Natur und Umwelt, indem wir auf Naturbelassenheit setzen, Verpackungsmüll reduzieren und auf Chemikalien verzichten. Hoffnung für die Menschen und ihre Familien, die am Anbau, an der Produktion, Weiterverarbeitung, Handel und Transport beteiligt sind, indem wir auf faire Arbeitsbedingungen, gerechte Löhne und transparente Lieferketten achten. Damit wollen wir auch andere Unternehmen inspirieren und hoffen auf einen nachhaltigen Wandel in der Wirtschaft. Unsere CSR Initiative trägt einen Teil dazu bei, Kindern in Südamerika wieder Hoffnung & Lebensfreude zu schenken.

Hoffnung möchten wir unseren Kund:innen & Konsument:innen schenken. Suyana ist eine Hoffnungsträgerin. Unser Rohkakao und unsere Zutaten für Zeremonien sind verantwortungsvoll, bewusst und mit Liebe ausgewählt. Den gesamten Kakao-Prozess vom Samen bis zur Zeremonie möchten wir achtsam und liebevoll begleiten. So kann sich die herzerwärmende, gesundheitsfördernde und lichtvolle Wirkung unseres Kakaos bei Dir voll entfalten. Lift your Spirit.

Who we are

We are Eva and Elias, two fun-loving and curious globetrotters. Our heart beats for traveling to extraordinary places - outside as well as inside. We love journeys of discovery to distant countries and want to get to know and experience other cultures, to exchange ideas with them. We love spiritual journeys of discovery to ourselves - to the source of joy, happiness and (self-)love. These journeys are an exciting adventure. They lead us to the magnificent wonders of life, expand our consciousness and increase our awareness of the beauty and abundance of this world, but also of the problems and challenges we face as humanity and which we can only solve together.

What connects and motivates us

Independently of one another we found a deep access to spirituality and holistic healing through traditional ceremonies and rituals in Latin America. The Spanish term "Curación" aims at this holistic kind of physical, mental and spiritual healing. We are very grateful for our healing experiences in South America and would like to pass them on.

Filled with gratitude, we believe that people can break free from their traumas, experience fulfillment and liberation, and heal by opening their hearts and surrendering to the miracles of life. This is our motivation for founding Suyana. With Suyana, we want to share our knowledge, inspire people, restore hope and support them on their journey to find themselves. The need for rituals, ceremonies and holistic healing is enormous in westernized civilization. We can only heal and save Pachamama, our Mother Earth, and make the world a better place, if we ourselves have gone through the process of healing.

Our vision and mission


We want to give hope

We want to give hope to many people. Our cacao plays a key role in this. From cultivation, harvesting & processing to trade, sales, packaging & transport to ceremony & consumption, our hopeful work & action is for a better, a conscious and loving world.

We value people, nature & the environment

We support the cacao farmers and their families, pay attention to fair working conditions and fair wages. We follow the entire production process and attach importance to careful treatment of people, nature & the environment. Sustainability & transparency in all production phases and on all supply routes are important to us. This includes hardly any intermediate trade and waste reduction by selling large containers. We stand for purity & highest quality of our cacao. Our communication is based on appreciation and respect. The spiritual value of the sacred cacao plant is reflected in our products as well as in our thoughts & actions.

Quality in all aspects

For many years we have been intensively involved with the indigenous cultures of South & Central America and the medicinal culture there. We are happy to share our knowledge and experience with you.

We support regionally

In addition to our high standards of ecological and environmentally friendly cultivation, we place special emphasis on knowing all production steps and the people involved in them, and on maintaining personal contact with them. We want to be sure that our values are reflected in all our company's activities and that our company is an enrichment for all people involved and participating.
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