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Author: lisa

Toadstool: myths, legends and effects

Ein bemerkenswertes und faszinierendes Pilzgewächs

Toadstool: myths, legends and effects

Der Fliegenpilz ist ein bemerkenswertes und faszinierendes Pilzgewächs, das in vielen Teilen der Welt zu finden ist. Mit seinem tiefroten Schirm und seinen charakteristisch weißen Punkten ist er nicht nur ein wahrer Augenschmaus, ihm wird auch eine besondere Bedeutung in vielen Mythen und Legenden zugeschrieben.

Interessant ist, dass er als psychoaktiver Organismus schon seit Jahrtausenden an unterschiedlichsten Orten auf der ganzen Welt zur Unterstützung tiefgehender Heilungs- und Reinigungsprozesse verwendet wird.

“Der Fliegenpilz galt als heilig und wurde von vielen Kulturen als Zeichen der Fruchtbarkeit, des Glücks und des Wachstums verehrt.”

Ein paar Mythen und Legenden

Legenden in Skandinavien besagen, dass der Fliegenpilz ein Tor zu einer anderen Welt oder Dimension darstellt. Es wird erzählt, dass Trolle und andere mythologische Kreaturen diesen Pilz als Transportmittel nutzen, um zwischen verschiedenen Welten umher zu reisen. Denjenigen, die ihn essen, soll die Fähigkeit verliehen werden, genau diese Welten zu sehen oder zu fühlen.

So manche nordischen Völker glaubten auch, dass der Fliegenpilz das Blut des Gottes Odin sei und dass er sie bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit den heidnischen Göttern unterstütze. Der Fliegenpilz galt als heilig und wurde als Zeichen der Fruchtbarkeit und des Wachstums verehrt. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden viele dieser heidnischen Legenden in christliche Traditionen integriert, und so ist der Fliegenpilz auch ein beliebtes, ikonisches Symbol der Weihnachtszeit. In winterlichen Geschichten wird er als bevorzugte Nahrung von Rentieren und Elfen dargestellt und verleiht ihnen die Fähigkeit, zu fliegen.

In Sibirien und anderen Regionen im Norden Eurasiens ist er seit Jahrhunderten als “Schamanenpilz” bekannt, der dabei helfen soll, den Schamanen mit der spirituellen Welt zu verbinden und ihm Zugang zu den Kräften des Universums zu geben. Die Visionen, die der “Schamanentee” hervorruft, wurden als Hinweise aus der geistigen Welt und als Anleitung für den Schamanen interpretiert, um Krankheiten zu heilen, Probleme zu lösen oder die Gemeinschaft zu schützen. Hierzu wurde der Pilz zerkleinert und dann in Wasser gekocht, um eine Art Tee herzustellen. Durch Wärmezufuhr wurde aus der giftigen Ibotensäure, die im frischen Fliegenpilz enthalten ist, der psychoaktive, aber körperlich unbedenkliche Wirkstoff Muscimol. Oftmals wurde der Pilz dann noch mit weiteren Pflanzen oder Substanzen kombiniert, um die heilsame Wirkung zu verstärken oder zu verändern.

Die alten Römer glaubten auch an seine magischen Kräfte und nutzten ihn in verschiedenen kultischen Praktiken oder als Opfergabe. 

In der römischen Mythologie wurde der Fliegenpilz unter Anderem mit dem Gott des Weines, Bacchus, in Verbindung gebracht. Bacchus galt als Schutzpatron des Rauschens und des Trinkens, und es wurde angenommen, dass der Fliegenpilz eine Art Tor zu Bacchus’ Welt war – so wurde er in Zeremonien zur Verehrung des Gottes verwendet.

Darüber hinaus wurde der Fliegenpilz im alten Rom auch als Symbol für Glück und Wohlstand angesehen. Es war üblich, Fliegenpilz-Statuen in den Häusern der Wohlhabenden und in Tempeln aufzustellen, um das Glück, die Gesundheit und den Wohlstand zu fördern.

Auch bei indigenen Völkern Nordamerikas gibt es zahlreiche Mythen und Legenden rund um den Fliegenpilz. So glaubten beispielsweise einige Stämme, dass der Pilz aus den Tränen eines Widders entstanden ist, der von einem Donnervogel getötet wurde. Andere indigene Völker sehen den Fliegenpilz als Symbol für die Sonne und nutzen ihn in ihren Zeremonien, um den Sonnengott zu ehren.

In der Märchenwelt wird der Fliegenpilz oft mit Feen und Elfen assoziiert. In vielen Geschichten ist er ein Geschenk der Feen an die Menschen, um ihnen magische Kräfte zu verleihen. Und, ist da was dran?

Wirkungsweisen und Verwendung in der Medizin

In der traditionellen Medizin vieler Kulturen wird der Fliegenpilz seit Jahrtausenden als Heilmittel eingesetzt. In der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin und auch in der Volksmedizin Sibiriens dient er beispielsweise bei der Behandlung von Schmerzen und Entzündungen. Wenn der Pilz richtig dosiert wird, soll es zu einer Reihe von positiven Wirkungen und Wahrnehmungsveränderungen kommen, die bis hin zu Euphorie und Entspannung reichen.

Eine aktive Substanz im Fliegenpilz ist das psychoaktive Alkaloid Muscimol, das auf unser zentrales Nervensystem einwirkt und einen beruhigenden, regulierenden Effekt auf den Organismus haben soll. Es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass Muscimol möglicherweise bei der Behandlung von Depressionen und neurologischen Erkrankungen wie Alzheimer und Parkinson helfen kann. Darauf deuten einige Untersuchungen an Nagetieren hin, unter anderem eine Studie, die im Jahr 2017 im Journal of Psychopharmacology veröffentlicht wurde. Es gibt bisher jedoch wenig Daten zur Wirkung am Menschen.

Aktuell ist wichtig zu beachten, dass weitere Studien notwendig sind, um die langfristigen Wirkungen und Risiken des Pilzes besser zu verstehen. In der modernen Medizin hat der Fliegenpilz somit bisher keine Verwendung gefunden. 

Deshalb ist wichtig darauf hinzuweisen, dass der Fliegenpilz aufgrund seiner potenziellen Toxizität nicht oral angewendet werden sollte. Wir empfehlen, ihn zu räuchern und sich gründlich über seine Eigenheiten und Vorteile zu informieren.

Nebenwirkungen und Vorurteile

Obwohl der Fliegenpilz in vielen Kulturen als heiliger Pilz angesehen wird, gibt es hierzulande viele Vorurteile aufzuräumen. Er ist nicht so gefährlich, wie die meisten Menschen glauben. 

Er wirkt in reiner, pulverisierten Form außerdem nur psychoaktiv, nicht halluzinogen. Verändert also das Bewusstsein und nicht das visuelle Sichtfeld.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der Pilz je nach Region und Jahreszeit in seiner Zusammensetzung der Wirkstoffe variieren kann und dass man sich genauestens über mögliche Anwendung, Dosierung und Zubereitung informieren sollte. Wenn man den Fliegenpilz im Internet bezieht, ist es essentiell, einen vertrauenswürdigen Handel ausfindig zu machen und aus nachhaltiger Wildsammlung zu beziehen.

Unabhängig davon, ob man sich an den verschiedenen Legenden erfreut oder nicht, ist der Fliegenpilz zweifelsohne ein faszinierender Teil unserer Folklore und Kultur. Seine einzigartige, auffällige Erscheinung hat die Fantasie der Menschen über viele Generationen hinweg erfreut und beflügelt. Das Mystische fasziniert.

Insgesamt zeigt die Symbolik des Fliegenpilzes in vielen Kulturen, wie wertvoll und tief verwurzelt die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und Natur ist. Als Zeichen für Wachstum, Erneuerung und Verbindung mit dem Spirituellen erinnert er uns daran, wie wichtig es ist, unseren Platz in der Welt zu respektieren und die Kräfte der Natur zu achten.

getrockneter Fliegenpilz

Mehr über den Fliegenpilz

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  • Dried toadstool

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29 März, 2023

Eva & Elias

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5 minutes

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Our conversation with Ceylo

Our conversation with Ceylo

I think it's so important to get the message out into the world and help people through that.

The time is right.

C: 'We are never told that there is also an option B or generally another option. Even in the case of depression. No normal scientist or psychiatrist would say 'drink some cacao, it will help you feel better.' I think it's so important to get the message out into the world and help people through this. The time is right.'

Our conversation with Ceylo

Ceylo, do you have any experience with ceremonial cacao or maybe it's even an essential part of your everyday life?

Yes. Cacao is a part of my everyday life in various forms and ways. I really like to add cacao nibs to my breakfast or smoothies, and sometimes I drink cacao in the morning instead of coffee. Because cacao has caffeine and other stimulants and a lot of valuable ingredients like magnesium and iron, which are very good for our immune system. So actually I consume quite a lot of cacao, but not too much either, because we never want to overdo the nutrient intake. I would say almost every day I enjoy a little cacao; in breakfast, as a drink or even in the form of cacao bars, I love them!

Zudem bietet Kakao im zeremoniellen Kontext für mich eine der schönsten Zeremonie-Erfahrungen überhaupt, da er nie überwältigend wirkt. Wenn ich mit anderer Pflanzenmedizin arbeite, habe ich oftmals große Vorbereitungen. Außerdem muss der Zeitpunkt stimmen und es braucht genügend Raum zur Integration. Die schöne Sache an Kakao ist jedoch, dass er so subtil aber gleichzeitig stark arbeitet. Es ist einfach, die Erfahrungen mit Kakao in den Alltag zu integrieren und es braucht nicht allzu viele Vorbereitungen – nur dich, deine Intention und die Medizin, was es in der Tat sehr divers und spielerisch macht, mit dieser Medizin zu arbeiten.

So overall cacao is a very very nice part of my life and I think for a lot of people too, without really realizing it. Especially as a woman, when it's that time of the month and you feel the desire for chocolate or you want warmth. What you really crave then is cacao. I think most people don't know the difference between raw cacao with all its valuable ingredients and the processed forms of cacao though, unfortunately.

Cacao is a special part of my life that I especially love.

Now, cacao is known for its mood-lifting effects due to the ingredients anandamide and tryptophan, as well as MAO inhibitors.

What is your general opinion on cacao and depression?

First of all, depression is a very broad term. We often don't differentiate in terminology, but there are so many forms of depression and their levels of severity. There are milder types of depression. For example, some people have seasonal depression or postpartum depression after childbirth, which sometimes occurs in a shorter episode. These are the forms of depression that are best prevented and treated. Then there are more severe forms of depression such as bipolar disorder, which can occur in a very severe form. Other forms include psychotic depression or clinical depression, which can last for years. This is the other end of the spectrum. So depression in itself is so diverse. It's very difficult to lump all the forms of depression under one umbrella.

As you mentioned, cacao contains several mood-boosting substances that can work together to make you feel better. In addition, this mode of action can help you deal with the anxiety and stress that often accompany depression. In particular, they occur with prolonged, chronic depression. Cacao also offers support for melancholy, which can be an early symptom of depression.

In general, I think cocoa can be used primarily for prevention, before the depression becomes so severe that it is difficult to manage. There it can also play a role, but then together with other options. Because when depression becomes more severe, one treatment approach is usually not enough. I see cocoa's greatest potential as averting more severe depression.

How would you describe depression in your words and what are the most common forms?

From a medical perspective, we speak of depression when there is a disorder or problem that affects a person to such an extent that he or she can no longer go about everyday life normally. Clinically speaking, it is only in this case that depression is present. However, before it becomes so severe, there are many milder forms and preliminary stages of depression. Usually, affected persons no longer feel joy. Happiness can no longer be felt and sometimes the reason for living is no longer seen. Even things that used to give one pleasure no longer trigger any feeling in one. The world seems gray. When this melancholy becomes stronger, feelings of stress can continue to occur. Since the stress cannot be dealt with, a feeling of anxiety occurs. Some people, because of this joylessness and anxiety inside, try to find happiness outside. Being traumatized or feeling so much sadness and not being able to get out of there, these are all different forms of depression and different forms of feeling like you're not really living. 

There can be several reasons for this. One is that the body does not produce enough neurotransmitters, hormones and enzymes to feel good. This is usually the case with seasonal depression. Due to lack of sunshine, we get less vitamin D in winter, which is very important for the production of enzymes and hormones. An unbalanced diet can also cause deficiencies in important nutrients. Vitamin B3, for example, also plays an important role in stimulating certain neurotransmitters. Some people have depression due to life events. In other people, it is hereditary; depression has been in the family for generations, so they already carry the disease in their DNA. Furthermore, women can get postpartum depression after giving birth. During pregnancy, the body produces so many hormones and neurotransmitters, the levels of which plummet again due to childbirth. If you recognize such a reason for depression, you know it's a phase or seasonal. Then there are also people who don't hate life, but they don't really enjoy it either. They're just surviving. These forms of depression, even in combination with stress and anxiety, are the forms that are easier to heal and where it's easier to understand what's needed. However, if these forms of depression are not treated or cured, they can develop into more severe forms like psychotic depression, where you suffer from psychosis and lose touch with reality. This form of depression is very severe.

Medically, people are offered so little. I realized that when I was studying medicine. I see so many ways to help people. And I wondered why there are so few options in the medical world. The whole issue is somewhat marginalized, as if it's not that important.

I think it's easier to work with and make a change in the milder types of depression than in more severe forms like bipolar, psychotic, and recurrent depression. These are more difficult to treat. What I realized is that if you have a wound and you don't pay attention to it and you don't heal it, but you let it get bigger, it becomes harder to heal. If the wound is still smaller and you already start to do something about it, you have more chances. To do this, however, people need to become aware that they have something. Just like other mental problems, however, depression is often taboo. People don't want to admit they have depression, they don't want to talk about it, they claim it's all normal and hope the depression will go away on its own. Also, because that's the way our society is today. That's why people wait too long to actually do something about it. The reason antidepressants are given is because people in the medical world don't know any better. They don't have a lot of options. They don't really know what to do about it. It's an outdated system. It's really time to look for more ways to help people with depression. There are so many things you can do, you just have to know that they exist and that they can really help. 

As I understand it, cacao may be more of a preventative, is that correct?

Yes, I think that's exactly what it's great for. It definitely acts as one of the best means of prevention. Cocoa is a superfood with so many valuable ingredients that can help with depression and its prevention. Especially in a ceremonial setting, you can see so beautifully how cacao works as a medicine. This is the reason why I always recommend all people to first go to a cacao ceremony and experience for themselves whether cacao works for the person or not. In the right setting and with the right attitude and intention, one can see how powerful cacao can be. In a ceremonial setting, one is especially receptive to its effects. In addition, cocoa generally assists in keeping one's mood up. Tryptophan is one of the special amino acids that the body can't make on its own, but help it make neurotransmitters, enzymes, hormones and proteins. These, in turn, serve to produce melatonin and serotonin, which are important for a good mood. However, tryptophan is only one of the many valuable ingredients in cocoa. So from me a clear 'yes' to prevention and support for milder depression. 

Would you say that cacao can be an alternative to medications like antidepressants for milder forms of depression?

In my personal opinion, antidepressants work in some cases, but as with any medicine, it is very person-specific. What works for some people doesn't work for others. I think this is the problem in the medical world today. The same medicine is used for every person and then we are puzzled why it doesn't work equally for everyone. Each person is individual, needs and tolerates different foods, for example. It is no different with medicine and with antidepressants. In some cases they may work, but in many cases they do not help and can cause many side effects. This is the problem when only a small part of a medicine is isolated and a tablet is made from it. A particular mode of action may become very strong as a result, but it lacks the holistic interaction with the other ingredients that are naturally present. This is the beauty of cocoa, because it doesn't just contain anandamide or tryptophan or MAO inhibitors. It contains all these different substances that work in different ways in different parts of the body. In antidepressants, very often there is only one active ingredient. It reduces the reuptake of some neurotransmitters in the brain or stimulates the production of certain neurotransmitters. While this increase is beneficial in some areas of the body, it has more side effects in other places and can cause problems. Cocoa, and this is true of many other medicinal plants, does not force anything. It works and will also bring some of the effects that antidepressants have, but it offers much more at the same time. This is the reason why it can be great for milder types of depression, before you reach a point where it becomes very difficult to reverse. Cocoa supports the body in so many ways. In that respect, I think it can be a very good alternative to antidepressants. Nevertheless, they are not the same substance. Cocoa is an alternative in certain situations, but in other situations it needs more on the side. Just like antidepressants, cocoa alone does not solve the problem. To be honest, nowadays we don't even know if antidepressants solve anything at all. Yet people are kept on antidepressants all their lives. I think these medications can help when people have a really bad episode or they are used in an intermediate step to try to stop something. For example, if a person has psychotic depression, really wants to end their life, and is having massive difficulty getting back to reality. In such a case, antidepressants can do their job, but keeping a person on antidepressants their whole life and not going to the root of the problem does not solve problems. Antidepressants are an option in the medical world, but I think we really need to find alternative ways to deal with these problems. And yes, cocoa is an alternative option and together with therapies or other medicine it can help very well.

You mentioned that cacao works more holistically than traditional pharmaceuticals, and that at the same time it's important to get to the root of the problem of sufferers. Would you say that cacao can help with that?

Yes! Cacao is a heart opener, that's how we know it. 'Heart opening' means that it helps to connect, take a higher perspective and understand the bigger picture better. We carry this ability within us and by taking certain substances and medicine we can see and understand more from a standpoint of love. Cacao is one of these substances that can help us understand our problems and interactions better in this way. Depression is often a social problem, resulting from not feeling accepted or seen. Often there is deep trauma involved. Until we find ways to work with that trauma and look at it starting with the trigger, we have great difficulty healing anything. We can take something to pretend nothing is wrong or to survive. But we don't just want to survive, we want to flourish and live! To do this, we need the help of medicinal plants that can, if necessary, lead us to a place within ourselves that would never have been reached on our own. This is the way in which cacao can support.

Now, if I have depression, for example, permanent, chronic depression, how often should I drink cacoa - more like daily or more like in phases, depending on how I feel?

First of all, this depends on the type of depression one has. Secondly, therapy also plays a role and what else is done besides using cacao. Furthermore, it depends on how sensitive one is as a person to cacao. Especially the current condition is very crucial here. If one is having a bad episode and needs more therapy, one will also need more cacao than if one is just in calmer waters and wants to use it for prevention to avoid getting into depressive states. Depending on this, one would differentiate how much cacao one drinks, in what state, and in what environment. For example, the many people who suffer from seasonal depression in the winter could use cacao regularly during this time to feel better and reduce the chances of falling into a major depression.

Since cacao also contains, among other things, caffeine and theobromine, which increase the heart rate, especially sensitive people should be careful not to consume too much cacao. In this case, the opposite of the desired would be achieved; one becomes more anxious or experiences other side effects. Therefore, never consume more than 40 g of cacao per day. For very sensitive people, just one or two cups of cacao per week, with appropriate integration time, can go a long way. If one is less sensitive, one may need a daily dose of cacao and attend a ceremony now and then. 

So a recommendation to consume cacao depends on what is going on with the person at the time. Drinking cacao on a daily basis can make it easier to go about everyday life. However, if one wants to go deeper, one would do this in combination with therapy. Or one might use cacao in a ceremonial space where an intention is set, allowing the cacao to be more focused and deeper.

So I think one should look individually and together with a professional; a psychologist, a doctor or a cacao expert, what is good for a person in his current condition. In the joint collaboration with a professional there will always be a possibility to find out in which way the work with cacao is possible.

Personally, I'm very sensitive to cacao, notice it very quickly after drinking it, and also clearly feel it when the 'cacao high' then subsides a few hours later. I think antidepressants work more consistently throughout the day in comparison, right? Can the fluctuations in hormone levels throughout the day be a problem in this sense?

Of course, it depends on the time of day when the cacao is consumed. The hormone level is not constant, but different at different moments. First of all, this fluctuation is also experienced with antidepressants, but in a different way. In a way they have a constant effect, but shortly after taking them they have the strongest effect. For example, if the antidepressant is taken in the morning, it will have the highest potency in the morning. So, the reduced effectiveness will be felt during the day as well. Since cacao is a natural substance, it works for a shorter period of time than pharmaceutical antidepressants. The peak of effectiveness of cocoa is reached more quickly. Since cacao contains caffeine and other stimulants, it is best taken in the morning or during the day, thus providing the body with energy throughout the day. If you drink it quite late in the evening, it can affect the quality of sleep, which is very important for regeneration and healing processes. However, if ceremonies are attended from time to time, often in the afternoon or evening, this is not a problem either. Once one has taken the cacao at a later time of the day, soothing teas or herbs can help calm the body before going to bed, if needed. That's the beauty of cacao being a natural medicine. It has very few side effects and is very easy to combine with other plants and forms of natural medicine. In smaller doses, cacao has no negative effects. It can even be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because of the caffeine and other stimulants it contains, one should be a little careful, but in appropriate doses it has been drunk for thousands of years and as far as we know it has always done more good than harm. Of course, if one overdoses, side effects such as migraines and mild nausea can occur. In this case, the dose or frequency of intake should be adjusted accordingly. 

To return to the initial question: Yes, the fluctuations should be considered. Therefore, it is important to find out individually how a person reacts to the cacao, so that the optimal dose and the perfect time to take it can be determined individually.

Other than antidepressants, what would you say helps depression very well?

In my personal opinion, antidepressants work in some cases, but as with any medicine, it is very person-specific. What works for some people doesn't work for others. I think this is the problem in the medical world today. The same medicine is used for every person and then we are puzzled why it doesn't work equally for everyone. Each person is individual, needs and tolerates different foods, for example. It is no different with medicine and with antidepressants. In some cases they may work, but in many cases they do not help and can cause many side effects. This is the problem when only a small part of a medicine is isolated and a tablet is made from it. A particular mode of action may become very strong as a result, but it lacks the holistic interaction with the other ingredients that are naturally present. This is the beauty of cocoa, because it doesn't just contain anandamide or tryptophan or MAO inhibitors. It contains all these different substances that work in different ways in different parts of the body. In antidepressants, very often there is only one active ingredient. It reduces the reuptake of some neurotransmitters in the brain or stimulates the production of certain neurotransmitters. While this increase is beneficial in some areas of the body, it has more side effects in other places and can cause problems. Cocoa, and this is true of many other medicinal plants, does not force anything. It works and will also bring some of the effects that antidepressants have, but it offers much more at the same time. This is the reason why it can be great for milder types of depression, before you reach a point where it becomes very difficult to reverse. Cocoa supports the body in so many ways. In that respect, I think it can be a very good alternative to antidepressants. Nevertheless, they are not the same substance. Cocoa is an alternative in certain situations, but in other situations it needs more on the side. Just like antidepressants, cocoa alone does not solve the problem. To be honest, nowadays we don't even know if antidepressants solve anything at all. Yet people are kept on antidepressants all their lives. I think these medications can help when people have a really bad episode or they are used in an intermediate step to try to stop something. For example, if a person has psychotic depression, really wants to end their life, and is having massive difficulty getting back to reality. In such a case, antidepressants can do their job, but keeping a person on antidepressants their whole life and not going to the root of the problem does not solve problems. Antidepressants are an option in the medical world, but I think we really need to find alternative ways to deal with these problems. And yes, cocoa is an alternative option and together with therapies or other medicine it can help very well.

Could you give an overview of the different forms of antidepressants? Which one is most commonly used and what substances are in it?

There are about six different types of antidepressants used in the medical world. The most common are SSRIs and MAO inhibitors. SSRIs are serotonin reuptake inhibitors and MAO inhibitors curb the activity of enzymes called MAO. Then there are Tsr's or Tsa's, this is an older form that is administered when none of the other types are effective. And then there are NRI's, NaSSA's, and SNaRIS's. All of them actually work in a similar way. They work in the brain to stop certain neurotransmitters, which are small particles that are critical to well-being, emotional perception, the body's reward system, and physical activity. Antidepressants contain an isolated substance that prevents these neurotransmitters from being broken down. Serotonin, for example, is one of the most commonly known neurotransmitters. We need it to feel good, to feel happiness and love. Medicine like cocoa increases the amount of serotonin produced. Chemical drugs stop the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters or they inhibit the activity of the degrading substance MAO, so that produced serotonin or dopamine stays longer in the body.

In certain parts of the body, this increased level is positive. In the brain, it makes you feel good. In other parts of the body, however, too much of these substances can cause side effects such as shakiness and anxiety, make the heart beat too fast, and reduce the activity of the reproductive organs. This is the problem with the matter: antidepressants work not only in the brain, but in the whole body. They have many side effects and can negatively affect the body. This is the danger. We often do not know the holistic effects of taking an isolated substance in such high amounts.

Wenn die Substanz direkt aus der Natur kommt, weiß man, sie ist ganzheitlich. Kakao enthält ebenfalls MAO-Hemmer, die den Anteil an Serotonin im Körper erhöhen. Gleichzeitig versorgt er den Körper aber mit Energie, sodass diese Wirkung direkt in Aktivität umgesetzt werden kann. Dann enthält Kakao noch eine Substanz, die das Herz und die Lungen öffnet, sodass Dinge, die sich zeigen, besser losgelassen werden können. Und diese Ganzheitlichkeit gibt es bei einer isolierten Substanz nicht, weshalb solche Medikamente nicht zu jeder Zeit und nicht für jede Person funktionieren. 

If a person is taking antidepressants or St. John's Wort, are there any recommendations not to use cocoa in this case? 

Abandonment is a big word, because as already mentioned, cocoa is not aggressive in its effect, but very mild and loving. But if you take antidepressants or other substances with MAO inhibitors, it can be a problem for the body. There can be more side effects and increase the effect of the antidepressants even more. Very often there are interactions between similarly acting medications. Instead of completely giving up cocoa, I would always recommend affected individuals to seek discussion with people who have been using cocoa for a long time and know how to start carefully. Since we don't know how the body will react, it is always best to start with a small dose. If that works well, you can increase a little and see what dose works well for the person individually. In any case, if one is already taking medication, one should definitely not try it alone, but always seek the support of experienced experts. In general, cocoa is one of the safest types of medicine available. This is true for most people, but as with all things, it does not have to be true for every person. Depending on who you are, how you are feeling, and how sensitive you are in general, you should slowly and with guidance see if cocoa works for you.

Would you say that St. John's wort works the same way as other antidepressants?

Yes, in some ways it does. It works in the same areas as antidepressants and provides some of the same interactions. At the same time, it also poses some of the same dangers as a result. Even though St. John's wort is completely natural, you should be a little more careful with this because it interacts with other medications or substances. Also, in combination with cocoa, one should proceed cautiously so as not to overload the body with too many MAO inhibitors. If one has too much serotonin in the body and it is not broken down, it can lead to a so-called serotonin syndrome. This can be very dangerous and damage the body and brain if not treated. Since St. John's wort has an effect on serotonin levels, the body should not be given too much so that it does not go into shock. Nevertheless, St. John's wort can help people and can be a good alternative to chemical antidepressants. One should always be thoughtful about which substances one uses and in what quantity, and proceed slowly when changes occur so that the body's reaction is noticed early on.

Do you know a person who had milder depression and was able to cure it with the help of cacao?

Yes, I actually know some people who have been helped by cocoa with their depression or during difficult episodes. My partner also has depressive episodes. Cocoa helps him get to the bottom of what is going on inside him. Cocoa assists in bringing out emotions and feeling them. It also helps my partner to love himself more, to accept and understand the situation. Cocoa is a loving companion for him, accompanying him in his process. For other people, physical exercise or dancing already helps. Here, however, different approaches can also work together perfectly, for example a dance event or an Ecstatic Dance in combination with cocoa. While drinking cocoa, an intention can be set, the body is opened and prepared to come into letting go and releasing through the movement. In addition, physical activity also releases hormones that make one feel better. Furthermore, integrating cocoa into therapy sessions can greatly increase effectiveness. 

I know so many people who cocoa can help them with their depression in this way, or help them find their way out of depressive emotional worlds.

The beauty of cocoa is that it is high in iron, magnesium, vitamins and other elements that we need for wellness and would usually take through supplements. Even if cocoa had no other effect on the body through stimulating ingredients like caffeine or theobromine; the nutrients alone can make you feel better. I recommend cocoa to many people around me and it has already been able to help in many ways, big and small. 

Are there perhaps other legal plants that, in combination with cacao, have a mood-boosting effect and are not harmful to the body?

Oh yes, there are actually quite a few! There are many mood-enhancing herbs that many people don't know about. Chamomile, lavender, lemon balm and blue lotus, for example, have a calming effect on the nervous system and, when combined with cacao, have a great effect on well-being. From these herbs you can wonderfully make a tea, which can serve as a liquid for the cacao. Rose also harmonizes super with cacao. It also has a heart-opening effect and stimulates the production of serotonin. Rose, however, is very mild, very natural. It's actually a lot of fun to see which herbs combine well with cocoa and which ones you like. 

In the ceremonial environment, I really like the combination of rose and blue lotus with cacao. At that time, Blue Lotus was used as a stimulant, a plant medicine with a very feminine energy that opens the heart and relaxes the body. Blue lotus has a comparatively stronger effect than other herbs, but it is absolutely legal. When combined with cacao, it has a relaxing effect, but at the same time provides the body with energy. A very nice combination that works wonderfully. Instead of a tea, it is also good to make a tincture, extracting and concentrating the ingredients of the flowers. Of this you only need a few drops, which you can drip into the cocoa.

A variety of medicinal mushrooms also work great with cacao. Reishi, for example, is an adaptogen that is very good for the immune system and can also be taken well over a long period of time. Reishi is even called the 'king of immortality' and has a long tradition as a medicinal mushroom in China. Its slightly nutty flavor also adds a great aroma. With the support of these various medicinal plants, which are then also delicious, you can make your own little party out of the healing process.

What could psychotherapy with cacao look like? 

That depends entirely on what form of psychotherapy is needed and to what extent. What works wonderfully is combining it with speech therapy. Cacao helps to get into a calm, heart-open state where it is easier to get through to the problem. Cacao can also be used together with somatic therapy or body therapy. Nowadays we know that many traumas are stored in the body. There are many forms of therapy to release and let go of them. Holotropic breathing or other breathing techniques also help to bring out issues. By combining this breath work with cacao, one can get to a deeper level in therapy and the therapy goal set becomes more quickly achievable. Depending on the problem, one would look at what therapy can support the affected person and how. Going to nature, for example, is also becoming an increasingly popular form of therapy. Imagine going to nature after drinking a cacao and then doing breathing exercises... that would definitely help you reach your goal, whatever it is. 

Cocoa can be integrated in both clinical settings and alternative therapies. There are a few studies on cocoa and depression or therapy/treatment of anxiety and stress, but people always want more research and want evidence. So it's important that doctors and clinical professionals open up and be willing to try cocoa in the treatment of depression and experience its potential.

When people feel safe to try alternative options, it helps the way each approach works. That's the thing about the mind. For any form of treatment to be effective, it's super important that we feel safe and feel like we're doing the right thing for our bodies. If you don't believe in how something works and you do it anyway, there's a good chance it won't work. To heal, you have to be convinced and put your whole heart into it. You have to believe in it.


27 Februar, 2023

Eva & Elias

Reading time
15 Minuten

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Cacao & Depression

Cacao & Depression

Cacao is a real pick-me-up

As already described in previous blog articles, cocoa is a real pick-me-up. Not without reason, it is said that it can bring light into gloomy days and give the heart comforting warmth again. Various ingredients ensure that consumers have an all-round feeling of well-being, while worries and anxieties fade away. Because of this special gift of cocoa, we asked ourselves to what extent it can serve as a natural, herbal support for people in depressive phases or with depression. Again and again one hears and reads that with the consumption of cocoa caution is required, if already medical preparations are taken. This is a highly exciting subject area, but one that seems obscure to many people and is therefore often avoided. We delved deeper into the subject and sought a conversation with an expert in the field. Ceylo is a medical doctor with a special focus on holistic human health and also brings years of experience in using various medicinal plants to alleviate symptoms of illness on a physical and psychological level. For herself, cocoa is a central part of life that she particularly values.

This article is a summary of the most important key statements of our conversation with Ceylo. The complete and detailed transcription can be found here.

To the conversation with Ceylo

The problem of dealing with depression today

Even during her medical studies, Ceylo repeatedly questioned why patients with mental illness are offered so few treatment options. Antidepressants are often presented as the only option for medication support. The reason for this, Ceylo believes, is that many people in the medical world are unaware of any effective alternative to this medication. For Ceylo, the overall medical approach to depression today is very outdated. It's time to look for new ways to help sufferers, she said. She herself sees many ways to treat depression. In her opinion, it is problematic that mental illness is often still a taboo subject and sufferers do not want to admit to themselves if they are affected. Instead of seeking support, many of these individuals repress their feelings and hope that the depression will go away on its own. She emphasizes that, in addition to conscious self-awareness, what is needed above all is an early decision to accept support so that the depression can be treated at an early stage and its worsening averted.

Depression - A term with a wide range of meanings

To start our joint conversation on the topic of cacao and depression, we first wanted to know what exactly Ceylo understood by the term depression and asked her for a definition. In response to this question, she first pointed out that 'depression' is a very broad term that is often not sufficiently differentiated. She tells that there are many forms of depression and their severities. On the one hand, there are milder types such as seasonal depression or postpartum depression, which occur for shorter episodes. These forms are best prevented and treated, he said. On the other side of the spectrum, there are more severe forms of depression such as bipolar disorder, psychotic depression or clinical depression that can last for years. From a medical perspective, depression is said to occur when there is a disorder or problem that affects a person to such an extent that he or she can no longer go about everyday life normally. Nevertheless, there are many milder forms and preliminary stages. Typically, sufferers no longer feel happiness and lose a sense of joy and purpose in life. In more severe depressions, feelings of stress and resulting anxiety can occur. In order to avoid such severe forms, early treatment is very important.

Ceylo cites several reasons for depression. For one, the body may not produce enough neurotransmitters, hormones and enzymes to make you feel good. Further, an unbalanced diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies that cause the same thing. Other reasons can be certain life events (e.g., the sharp drop in hormone levels after childbirth) or phases (e.g., a vitamin deficiency caused by too little sunlight) . In addition, she explains that depression can also be hereditary and thus stored in the genetic material over generations.

Antidepressants as conventionally used pharmaceuticals

As a conventional medicine for depression, antidepressants are widely known and widely used. We asked Ceylo to comment on this rather 'conventional' approach to depression. Her personal opinion is that antidepressants can work in some cases, but this is very person-specific. A general problem nowadays, she says, is that it is assumed that every medicine works the same for everyone.

Furthermore, Ceylo draws attention to the many side effects of antidepressants, which are due to the fact that these drugs consist of only one extracted and isolated active ingredient. This active ingredient either reduces the reuptake of some neurotransmitters in the brain or stimulates the production of certain neurotransmitters. There are approximately six different types of antidepressants used in the medical world. The most commonly used are SSRIs and MAO inhibitors. SSRIs are serotonin reuptake inhibitors, while MAO inhibitors curb the activity of enzymes called MAO. Other types include Tsr's, Tsa's, NRI's, NaSSA's and SNaRIS's. All of them work in a similar way. They work in the brain to stop the breakdown of certain neurotransmitters that are critical to well-being, emotional cognition, the body's reward system and physical activity. One of the best known of these neurotransmitters is serotonin, which provides the sensation of happiness and love. The targeted increase in the level of these neurotransmitters could achieve a desired effect in a specific part of the body, but it lacks a holistic interaction with other substances that have a complementary effect in other parts of the body. As a result, the 'more' neurotransmitters could lead to more side effects in other areas of the body and cause problems. For example, while a higher serotonin level in the brain makes people feel better, it can also cause anxiety and shakiness, increase the heartbeat and reduce the activity of the reproductive organs.

Ceylo recognizes the value of antidepressants in helping in really difficult episodes as a temporary solution and in keeping people from harming themselves. Nevertheless, she doubts that these drugs can really solve anything, because you certainly can't get to the root of the problem of depression by administering antidepressants alone.

Kakao zur Prävention und Unterstützung bei Depressionen

Kakao ist ein Superfood mit vielen wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen, die sich auf das Wohlbefinden auswirken und bei Depressionen und ihrer Prävention hilfreich sein können. Dies untermalte Fachexpertin Ceylo in unserem Gespräch immer wieder. Zum einen enthält Kakao Koffein und andere Stimulanzien, zum anderen liefert er viele Inhaltsstoffe wie Magnesium und Eisen, die sich positiv auf das Immunsystem auswirken. Außerdem enthält er verschiedene stimmungsaufhellende Stoffe wie beispielsweise Tryptophan. Diese Aminosäure dient der Produktion von für das Wohlbefinden essentiellen Neurotransmittern, Enzymen, Hormonen und Proteinen, kann vom Körper jedoch nicht selbst hergestellt werden. Die herzöffnende Wirkung von Kakao macht sich in Ceylos Worten so bemerkbar, dass er dabei hilft, sich mit sich selbst und seinem Umfeld zu verbinden. Außerdem ermögliche er es, eine höhere Perspektive auf eine Situation einzunehmen. Die Fähigkeit, dieses ‘größere Bild’ zu erkennen, trage jeder Mensch bereits in sich. In gewissen Substanzen oder Medizin wie Kakao sieht sie das Potenzial, dem Menschen bei dieser Realisierung zu helfen und die eigene Situation aus liebender Perspektive zu betrachten. Vor allem im zeremoniellen Setting hat Ceylo bereits oft erfahren, wie schön Kakao als Medizin wirken kann. Ein zeremonieller Rahmen verbunden mit einer bewussten Intentionssetzung sorgen für eine besondere Empfänglichkeit der Wirkung des Kakao.

Ausgesprochenes Potenzial sieht Ceylo in der präventiven Wirkung von Kakao, sodass sie ihn als eines der besten Mittel versteht, stärkere Depressionen abzuwenden. Auch bei milderen Arten von Depressionen könne er prima unterstützen. Darüber hinaus kann diese Herzensmedizin laut unserer Interviewpartnerin dabei helfen, mit auftretendem Stress und Ängsten umzugehen. Bei stärkeren Depressionen brauche es neben Kakao auf jeden Fall noch weitere Behandlungsansätze. Die Reduktion auf eine einzige Medizin sei hier in der Regel nicht ausreichend.

Im Gegensatz zu Antidepressiva wirkt Kakao nicht als isolierte Substanz, sondern in seiner Ganzheitlichkeit. Er enthält viele verschiedene Substanzen, die zusammenwirken und in verschiedenen Bereichen des Körpers arbeiten. Ebenso wie Antidepressiva enthält auch Kakao MAO-Hemmer, die den Anteil an Serotonin im Körper erhöhen. Gleichzeitig versorgt er den Körper jedoch auch mit Energie, sodass diese Wirkung direkt in Aktivität umgesetzt werden kann. Zudem öffnet Kakao das Herz und die Lungen, das führt dazu, dass Themen die sich zeigen, besser losgelassen werden können.

Über die Einnahme von Kakao und möglichen Interaktionen

In welcher Dosierung Kakao als Prävention oder im Umgang mit Depressionen zu sich genommen werden sollte, hängt laut Ceylo von verschiedenen Faktoren ab. Ausschlaggebend sei hier die Art der Depression, ebenso wie andere Behandlungswege, die bereits verfolgt werden. Weitere wichtige Aspekte seien die Sensitivität auf Kakao sowie die Phase der Depression, in der sich gerade befunden wird. Ceylo rät es Betroffenen, gemeinsam mit einer Fachperson wie einer PsychologIn, einer DoktorIn oder einer KakaoexpertIn zu schauen, welche Dosis für die Person zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt angemessen ist. In der Zusammenarbeit mit einer Fachperson wird es immer eine Möglichkeit geben, herauszufinden, auf welche Art und Weise die Arbeit mit Kakao möglich ist. In einigen Fällen kann Kakao als tägliches Getränk ein toller Alltagsbegleiter sein. Anderen Personen genügen bereits ein bis zwei Tassen in der Woche mit anschließender Integrationszeit. Generell gilt, dass nie mehr als 40 g Kakao pro Tag zu sich genommen werden sollten. Da Kakao Koffein und andere Stimulanzien enthält, sollte er am besten morgens oder tagsüber eingenommen werden, um den Körper so über den Tag hinweg mit Energie zu versorgen.

In kleineren Dosen hat Kakao laut unserer Fachexpertin keine negativen Auswirkungen. Er könne sogar in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit verwendet werden, wobei aufgrund enthaltener Stimulanzien jedoch etwas mehr Vorsicht geboten sei. Wenn eine Person bereits Antidepressiva oder andere Substanzen mit MAO-Hemmern einnimmt, kann ihre Wirkung erhöht werden und mehr Nebenwirkungen zur Folge haben. Auch durch den Konsum von Kakao über die empfohlene Menge hinaus kann es zu unerwünschten Effekten wie Migräne und leichter Übelkeit kommen. Aus diesem Grund sollte immer mit einer geringeren Dosis Kakao begonnen werden und eine Erhöhung der Menge nur langsam und in Absprache mit einer Fachperson erfolgen.

Ceylos Erfahrungen zu Kakao bei Depressionen

Nachdem wir über das vielfältige Potenzial von Kakao im Kontext von Depressionen gehört hatten, waren wir neugierig, welche Erfahrungen Ceylo hierzu bereits in ihrem direkten Umfeld gemacht hat. Sie erzählte, dass Kakao auf ihre Empfehlung hin bereits vielen Menschen im Umgang mit depressiven Gefühlswelten helfen konnte, im Großen wie im Kleinen. Sie sah, wie Kakao dabei unterstützen konnte, die Emotionen von Betroffenen hervorzuholen und zum Grund dessen zu kommen, was in ihnen vorging. Kakao war und ist für viele Menschen in ihrem Umfeld ein liebevoller Begleiter, der die Betroffenen dabei unterstützt, ihre Situation und sich selbst mehr anzunehmen und zu lieben.

Kakao als Therapiebegleiter

Ceylo erzählte uns, dass die Integration von Kakao in eine Therapiesitzung ihre Wirksamkeit erheblich erhöhen kann. Das hat unser Interesse geweckt und wir fragten genauer nach, wie genau sich Kakao mit einer Therapie kombinieren ließe. Ceylo ist der Meinung, dass dies ganz daran liege, welche Form von Psychotherapie benötigt wird und in welchem Ausmaß. Wunderbar funktionieren würde die Kombination mit einer Sprechtherapie, denn Kakao bringt KonsumentInnen in einen ruhigen, herzoffenen Zustand, in dem es leichter ist, zum Problem durchzudringen. Ebenfalls könne Kakao gemeinsam mit somatischer Therapie oder Körpertherapie eingesetzt werden. Gewisse Atemtechniken wie holotropes Atmen würden großes Potenzial bieten, tiefer liegende Themen und Traumata hervorzuholen, sodass mit ihnen gearbeitet werden kann. Letztlich wird auch der Aufenthalt in der Natur eine immer bekannter werdende Therapieform. Je nach Problemlage würde man individuell schauen, welche Therapieform(en) die betroffene Person wie unterstützen kann.

Weitere alternative Behandlungsmöglichkeiten

Auf die Frage nach anderen Möglichkeiten zur Behandlung von Depressionen teilt Ceylo, dass es super viele verschiedene Pflanzen gibt, die mit ihren heilenden Kräften unterstützen können. Während einige Pflanzen das Immunsystem unterstützen, wirken andere beruhigend auf das Nervensystem. Auch Therapien mit entheogenen Pflanzen wie psychoaktive Pilze, Ayahuasca und auch andere, weniger bekannte, wie Kakao und Blauer Lotus können einen großen Einfluss haben. Johanniskraut und Baldrianwurzel können ebenfalls sehr effektiv sein. Bei der Verwendung von Johanniskraut solle jedoch bedacht und vorsichtig vorgegangen werden, da es recht stark wirkt.

Viele stimmungsaufhellende Kräuter würden sich mit Kakao wunderbar kombinieren lassen. Hierzu gehören beispielsweise Kamille, Lavendel, Zitronenmelisse und Blauer Lotus. Sie haben eine beruhigende Wirkung auf das Nervensystem und können das Wohlbefinden gemeinsam mit Kakao erheblich verbessern. Ceylo empfiehlt, aus diesen Kräutern einen Tee herzustellen, der als Flüssigkeit für den Kakao dienen kann. Auch Rose harmoniert ihrer Ansicht nach super mit Kakao. Dieser Pflanze wird ebenfalls eine herzöffnende Wirkung nachgesagt und sie regt zusätzlich die Produktion von Serotonin an. Ferner funktioniere auch die Kombination von Kakao mit medizinischen Pilzen wie Reishi hervorragend.

Nach dem Leitsatz ‚Wenn man etwas verändern möchte, muss man sich selbst verändern’ hebt Ceylo die Bedeutsamkeit des Lebensstils betroffener Personen hervor. Eine ausgewogene Ernährung und genügend Bewegung seien ausschlaggebend, um ausreichend Hormone und Neurotransmitter herzustellen. Tanzen sei beispielsweise eine hervorragende Kombination mit Kakao, wodurch die im Körper angestauten Emotionen gelöst werden können. Außerdem sollten Stressfaktoren möglichst reduziert werden. Praktiken wie Yoga können in diesem Sinne hilfreich sein. Was genau bei einer Person funktioniert, sei letztlich sehr individuell und häufig ein Mix aus verschiedenen Möglichkeiten.

Kernbotschaft und Ausblick

Alles in allem spricht Ceylo in Bezug auf die Verwendung von Kakao zur Prävention und der Unterstützung bei milderen Depressionen ihr klares ‚Ja‘ aus. In einigen Fällen seien Antidepressiva eine sinnvolle Option zur Überbrückung. Sie sieht jedoch die starke Notwendigkeit, alternative Wege im Umgang mit Depressionen zu finden. Kakao sei eine dieser alternativen Möglichkeiten, die zusammen mit einer Therapie oder anderer Medizin sehr gut helfen kann. Sie hebt hervor, dass wir Menschen nicht zum bloßen Überleben hier auf der Welt sind, sondern um aufzublühen und wahrhaftig zu leben. Hierzu brauche es die Hilfe von medizinischen Pflanzen, die das Potenzial bieten, den Weg zu einem Ort in sich selbst zu offenbaren, den man allein niemals gefunden hätte. Ceylo ist sich sicher, dass die Zeit reif ist, diese Nachricht hinaus in die Welt zu tragen und betroffenen Menschen dadurch zu helfen.

Weiterhin sieht sie das Bedürfnis vieler Menschen, Beweise zur Wirksamkeit von Kakao zu bekommen. Damit eine Behandlungsform funktionieren kann, sei es sehr wichtig, dass sich die behandelte Person sicher fühlt und in dem Glauben ist, das Richtige für den eigenen Körper zu tun. Sie ergänzt:

‚Um zu heilen, muss man überzeugt sein und mit dem ganzen Herzen dabei sein. Man muss daran glauben.‘

Vor diesem Hintergrund sieht es Ceylo trotz ihres eigenen Wissens und vielen positiv wirksamen Erlebnissen als überaus wichtig an, dass weiter an der Thematik Kakao und Depressionen geforscht wird. Ihr ist es ein großer Wunsch, dass sich mehr Ärzte und klinische Fachleute für das Potenzial von Kakao öffnen und ihm in der Behandlung von Depressionen eine Chance geben.

Folge Suyana auf Instagram und erfahre mehr aus der Welt des Kakaos: Suyana.spirit

27 Februar, 2023

Eva & Elias

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10 Minuten

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Cocoa as a superfood

Cocoa as a superfood

Ein wahres SUPERFOOD in vielerlei Hinsicht

Many people know it primarily from sugar-sweet powder mixtures, which ultimately have little to do with cacao.

Betrachtet man Kakao jedoch in seiner puren, ursprünglichen Form, erkennt man, welches Potenzial sich hinter der Wunderbohne verbirgt. Ein Cocoa as a superfood in vielerlei Hinsicht. Dass er eine hervorragende Nahrung für strapazierte Nerven und schwere Herzen ist, hast du vielleicht schon selbst erfahren. Doch das ist längst nicht alles – UreinwohnerInnen Zentral- und Südamerikas erkannten das immense Potenzial von Kakao bereits vor hunderten von Jahren und machten als Medizin für mentale und körperliche Gesundheit von ihm Gebrauch.

Wenn von den gesundheitlichen Wirkungsweisen des Kakaos gesprochen wird, kommt es natürlich zunächst einmal auf die Art des Cocoa as a superfood, beziehungsweise seine Zubereitung und Form der Verarbeitung an. Dieser Artikel bezieht sich auf hochwertigen zeremoniellen Kakao in seiner puren Form – biologisch angebaut, schonend hergestellt und ohne Anreicherung von Zucker. Ursprünglich und rein, wie du ihn auch in unserem Shop erhältst. Herkömmliche Kakaos enthalten oft große Mengen an beigemengtem Zucker, was ihn zur süßen Sünde macht. In natürlicher Form ist er jedoch ein reichhaltiges und sehr komplexes Lebensmittel mit rund 300 verschiedenen Inhaltsstoffen. Was genau zeremoniellen Cocoa as a superfood von konventionellem Kakao unterscheidet erfährst du in this article..


One particularly important polyunsaturated fatty acid in cacao is anandamide. Its relaxing and mood-enhancing effects have been compared to those of cannabis. The substance also occurs naturally in the human brain and provides a pleasant feeling of home and happiness. Hence the name: 'Anandamide' is derived from the Vedic language Sanskrit from 'ananda' and means something like 'bliss'.

In addition, cacao naturally contains MAO inhibitors,which have an antidepressant effect. Monoamine oxidases (MAO) are enzymes responsible for the breakdown of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and adrenaline. While serotonin is known as a happiness hormone, dopamine and adrenaline have a stimulating effect on the body, which also has a positive effect on the state of mind in the quantities found. Thus, if the breakdown of these hormones is curbed, the feelings evoked are maintained for longer. As we age, the enzymes (MAO) become more active, so the neurotransmitters are broken down earlier and their levels decrease. This can result in depression, low mood and premature aging.


Cacao contains numerous health-promoting and stimulating secondary plant compounds such as antioxidants, amino acids and alkaloids..

Antioxidants protect the body by reducing free radicals in the body. These would provide oxidative stress and are associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature aging.

Due to the antioxidants, the arteries dilate, blood flow is promoted and the heart and circulatory system are protected. Furthermore, it has been found that cacao can lower the oxidation of LDL, the so-called 'bad cholesterol'. It is important in this context that the cacao is prepared vegan, because the addition of dairy products. inhibits the effect of antioxidants or even cancels them completely. As a possible reason for this, researchers say that from the combination of flavonoids of the cacao and the milk proteins complexes are formed, which make the absorption into the blood more difficult and thus reduce the biological availability for the body.

Particularly important antioxidants in cacao are flavonoids, a subgroup of polyphenols. In fact, cocoa contains more of these than any other food. In fact, the amount is many times greater than that found in blueberries and green tea. Flavonoids are believed to lower blood pressure, improve memory, and counteract fat storage. They are also said to be effective against inflammation.

Aufnahme der Aminosäuren

The absorption of the amino acids contained is optimally facilitated by their composition found in cacao. Some of the amino acids have a special role as neurotransmitters. These include endorphins, dopamine, tryptophan and phenylethylamine. Tryptophan, in the presence of magnesium in the body, reacts with selected vitamins to produce serotonin. This hormone of happiness can reduce anxiety and increase stress resilience. It is one of the most important hormones for the body, essential for one's well-being, and regulates the day-night rhythm so that we can sleep peacefully at night and be alert and energetic during the day.

Furthermore, the brown bean is rich in alkaloids such as caffeine and theobromine, which have a mentally stimulating effect and can also increase physical performance. The exact content of caffeine and theobromine varies depending on the variety. Caffeine is known to have a strong stimulating effect, promoting concentration and responsiveness. It also counteracts fatigue, inhibits pain, stimulates metabolism and increases blood pressure. However, theobromine is contained in significantly larger proportions than caffeine. This is an alkaloid that leads to a smoother and longer lasting energy supply. While theobromine can also lead to more mental focus and alertness, at the same time it can lower blood pressure, help bring inner peace and allow for restful sleep.

Kakao als Superfood


Kakao enthält vieleVitamine des B-Komplexeswie Niacin (B3), Pantothensäure (B5), Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2) und Pyridoxin (B6). Sie helfen der Regeneration und dem Aufbau von Muskeln, sind für die Synthese von Enzymen verantwortlich und tragen zur Funktion des Nervensystems bei. Außerdem spielen sie eine wichtige Rolle für Stoffwechselprozesse.

Other vitamins included are C and E. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect and protects the body from so-called free radicals. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential substance for the body, which it cannot produce itself.


Weiterhin ist Kakao ein hervorragender Lieferant für Mineralien wie Selen, Magnesium, Kalzium, Eisen, Kalium, Zink und Mangan, weshalb sich derKakao als Superfood perfekt eignet.

Cacao is considered one of THE vegetable suppliers of magnesium. Per 100g cacao contains up to 500mg magnesium. An important substance for the function of muscles and brain performance. Physical flexibility can be increased, cramps relieved and menstrual cramps prevented. In addition, the alkaline mineral is important for the remineralization of bones and supports mental well-being. Since magnesium is also important for the formation of red blood cells and energy metabolism, a deficiency often leads to fatigue, nausea, muscle cramps and, in the long term, to an increased risk of osteoporosis and anemia. Translated with (free version)

AuchKalziumist in besonders hohem Maße enthalten, etwa 160mg stecken in 100g Kakao. Kalzium ist wichtig für die Knochenbildung, reguliert die Übertragung von Nervenimplusen sowie die Kontraktion der Muskeln und fördert ein gesundes Herz-Kreislauf-System. Insbesondere für SportlerInnen ist auf eine genügende Kalziumzufuhr Acht zu geben, da es bei körperlicher Hochleistung in hohem Maße verbraucht wird und für die Regeneration von großer Bedeutung ist. Besonders Frauen sollten auf eine ausreichende Kalzium Zufuhr Acht geben, da es das prämenstruelle Syndrom (PMS) lindern kann und das in der Menopause erhöhte Osteoporoserisiko senkt.

Eisenist ein weiteres für den Körper wichtiges Mineral, das in Kakao vorkommt. Mit 100g Kakao kommt man auf ganze 7,3mg. Eisen ist essentiell für die Atmung der Zellen, den Sauerstofftransport und somit auch für die Energiebereitstellung. Wer an Eisenmangel leidet, zeigt häufig Symptome wie Müdigkeit, Kopfschmerzen und Konzentrationsprobleme. Da Eisen optimalerweise mit Vitamin C eingenommen werden sollte, bietet Kakao eine hervorragende biologische Verfügbarkeit. Auch dieser Mineralstoff ist für Frauen von besonderer Wichtigkeit, da durch die Periode ein erhöhter Eisenbedarf vorliegt.


Nimmt man das vorgeblicheCocoa as a superfood in seiner puren, schonend verarbeiteten Form genauer unter die Lupe, fällt zunächst der große Anteil an Fett ins Auge, der rund 54% des Kakaos ausmacht. Der Grund hierfür liegt in der Besonderheit von zeremoniellem Kakao. Hierfür wird die ganze Kakaobohne verwendet wird, darunter auch die wertvolle Kakaobutter. Diese ist ein sehr wertvoller Inhaltsstoff, denn in ihr befinden sich jede Menge Aminosäuren und Vitamine.

Mit einem großen Anteil von rund 40% sind die enthaltenen Fette einfach oder mehrfach ungesättigt. Hierunter fallen auch die wertvollen Omega 3 und – 6 Fettsäuren. Diese Fette haben eine positive Wirkung auf den Cholesterinspiegel und können zu einer gesunden Herzfunktion beitragen. Außerdem sind sie gut für stabile Nerven und wirken sich positiv auf die kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit aus. Ein besonders interessanter Aspekt im Kontext der enthaltenen Fettsäuren: einige von ihnen haben eine appetithemmende Wirkung und regen die Fettverbrennung an. Sie sollen deshalb nicht nur das Herz-Kreislauf-System schützen, sondern werden auch bei Abnehmwunsch empfohlen.

The same applies to the bitter substances contained, they also inhibit the appetite. They attach themselves to intestinal cells, where the body's own GLP-1 hormone is produced, which ensures a natural feeling of satiety. Cravings can also be prevented by bitter substances. Another positive effect is that these substances stimulate the production of gastric and bile juice, so that digestion is promoted. Furthermore, the elimination of bacteria and viruses from the digestive tract is favored. It also activates the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar.


Another exciting point is that theobromine helps to release endorphins. These are happiness hormones that are also emitted by people in love and provide a feeling of euphoria and bliss.

In this context, the ingredient phenylethylamine (PEA), also known as the 'love molecule', is also interesting. PEA belongs to the biogenic amines and leads to alertness and focus. Responsible for the stimulating effect is the favored release of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Thus, cacao can put us in the well-known 'flow state', where we lose ourselves in space and time and block out everything that is happening around us. Moreover, this ingredient can also induce feelings of attraction and euphoria, as we know from a state of being in love.

As you can see, cacao serves to be much more than just nerve food. With its numerous health-promoting ingredients, the natural mood booster is justifiably considered a noble superfood for body, mind, soul and heart.



Andújar, M.C., Recio, R.M. & Ríos J.L. (2012): Cocoa Polyphenols and Their Potential Benefits for Human Health.Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Article ID 906252.DOI:

Gratton, G., Weaver, S., Burley, C. et al. (2020): Dietary flavanols improve cerebral cortical oxygenation and cognition in healthy adults.Scientific Reports 10(19409). DOI:

Katz, D.L., Doughty, K. & Ali, A. (2011): Cocoa and Chocolate in Human Health and Disease.Antioxidants & Redox Signaling 15(10). 2779–2811. DOI:10.1089/ars.2010.3697

Rusconi, M. & Conti, A. (2010): Theobroma cacao L., the Food of the Gods: A scientific approach beyond myths and claims.Pharmacological Research 61(1). 5-13. DOI:

Serafini, M., Buqianesi, R., Maiani, G. et. al (2003): Plasma antioxidants from chocolate.Nature 424(1013). DOI:



3rd of June, 2022

Sacha Knoche

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4 minutes

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Kakao in der Schwangerschaft & Stillzeit

Cacao during pregnancy

Cacao as a companion to pregnancy & lactation

'I felt very strongly how the cacao plant nourishes me, that it was like an elixir of life for me. (...) Because as a mother (...) I hold space for my baby (...) I found it nice to have a guardian by my side, in this case the cacao plant.'

Pregnancy - for many women a time that carries a very special magic. The connection to one's own body intensifies and the care for oneself and the child have top priority. A rich and balanced diet takes on an important role in enabling the unborn child to develop as well as possible in preparation for independent life as a citizen of the earth.

While there is much scientifically proven evidence about which nutrients are particularly essential for mother and child during pregnancy and lactation, there is always debate about the advisability of some foods.

Since ceremonial cacao is a central part of our lives and everyday life, and since we repeatedly come into contact with the topic of pregnancy and cacao through various people, it was on our minds to take a deeper look at this hitherto little illuminated topic. To dive into the scientific perspective of the topic, we first looked at various studies. We then sought direct contact with pregnant and breastfeeding women to ask them about their experiences with cocoa consumption.


A common inhibiting factor for the consumption of cacao during pregnancy is the fact that it contains small amounts of caffeine. If the mother consumes caffeine during pregnancy, it passes through the placenta and can thus have an influence on the condition and development of the embryo. In addition, it takes longer for caffeine to be metabolized in the body of a pregnant woman. For these reasons, it is often advised to avoid excessive caffeine consumption during pregnancy.

But what exactly does excessive mean? How much caffeine is safe for me and my child? The answer from the European Food Safety Authority is: 200 mg of caffeine per day. This is, of course, a guideline and should be weighed individually according to factors such as body weight, sensitivity, etc.

To put this in perspective: 200 mg of caffeine is equivalent to 400 ml of filter coffee. One cup (200 ml) of our Suyana Ceremonial Blend contains just 8 mg of caffeine. The exact amount depends on the particular cacao variety and can increase up to about 35 mg for more intense characters (1).

But why does cacao still have a stimulating effect? The active ingredient theobromine is mainly responsible for this. This substance has a milder, but longer-lasting stimulating effect than caffeine (2).

Studies have shown that theobromine can even have a positive effect on pregnant and nursing women. For example, a Yale University studyshows that the consumption of theobromine during pregnancy is associated with a lower likelihood of preeclampsia (high blood pressure with other side effects such as seizures). This association is supported by a study by Saftglas et al . Thus, in a comparative study, among pregnant women with normal blood pressure, there were more people who consumed chocolate than in a group with hypertension problems.

Furthermore, cacao contains many minerals particularly important for pregnancy, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, and small amounts of folic acid and iodine (3, 4, 56It contains many of the B vitamins essential for mother and child, as well as vitamins A, C, D, and E (5).

Based on this body of data and our conclusion that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with moderate consumption of cacao during pregnancy from a scientific perspective, we wanted to hear about practical experiences with cacao during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, we exchanged views with women who have already had the opportunity to gather their own experiences and insights in this regard.


We interviewed a total of seven women on the subject. Some of them were still pregnant at the time of the interview, others were already breastfeeding. For all of the women, cacao was already an important part of their lives before they became pregnant, so they were familiar with the effects of the medicinal plant. The way cacao was integrated into everyday life differed slightly. For some of the women, drinking cacao remained an everyday ritual, as it had been before pregnancy, so they had a small or medium dose of cacao every day to start their day or to consciously take time out and connect with themselves, their hearts, and their babies. Others of them celebrated their cacao ritual intuitively about 2-4 times a week. One of the women reported that she found the drinking to be especially nice in combination with yoga and meditations to prepare for birth. One woman even drank cacao right before and after birth. Another of them initially took a little distance from cacao in the first months of pregnancy, as she did not feel much desire and the effect was strongly noticeable for her after only 1-2 sips. From the 6th month of pregnancy, however, this has changed, so that she drank cacao more regularly again and also tolerated it well. Another woman also tells us that her desire for cacao changed during pregnancy. She listened strongly to her intuition and therefore hardly drank any cacao in the last trimester, but drank more in the first trimesters. In addition to the specially created ritual, some of the women also participated in group cocoa ceremonies during their pregnancies.

'During pregnancy I had a lot of desire for cacao (...), I totally trusted myself, also regarding the dose, I had no doubts at all, no fears that it wouldn't go together - cacao and pregnancy - on the contrary, I felt very nourished there and made the dose according to feeling, meaning: I reduced it, I didn't have the feeling that I needed a lot, but I took it regularly'.


Participants reported that they felt a lot of energy and liveliness from the cacao. Especially during periods of sluggishness and fatigue, cacao served as a good source of nutrients that could induce a feeling of being nourished, like an "elixir of life." Not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding, one could noticeably benefit from the nutrients, as one gives a lot of oneself during that time - sleep, breast milk and love. For one woman in particular, cacao played a role in helping her deal with emerging doubts and fears, especially at the beginning of pregnancy. In her cacao rituals, she was able to repeatedly go into her heart and open it, enter a deep state of meditation to find clarity for herself and about her situation, and always go back to trust. In addition, she was able to meet emerging stress with calmness, to brace herself for everyday life, and thus to bring more love and warmth into her family's daily life. Two women tell of how the cacao was able to provide more clarity, grounding and presence, and gave a calming feeling. Increased vitality and sensuality were also mentioned.


'A heart opener that just makes you happy and gets you into a positive energy very quickly.'

'For me, cacao is the warming embrace in the morning through which I experience strength, positive emotions and grounding.' Especially in the transformative but challenging months of pregnancy and breastfeeding, we need wisdom and an opened heart space more than ever. This is what cacao has given me whenever I've needed it. It has given me strength, warmth, love, energy, positive thoughts, nutrients and balance. A real medicine of the soul, in fact.'

'I notice that through the cacao I just get a bit more into my fullness and my strength, but also the connection to the heart always becomes super strong, so from there the heart connection and also the connection to the baby, because you can already feel the baby's heartbeat.'

'Here's also my encouragement to other breastfeeding women to take the minutes in the morning and connect with cacao. And don't be afraid of hyper babies either, because up to 200 ml of caffeinated drinks a day, preferably during or right after breastfeeding, is not problematic. Watch your little one's reactions, of course.'


For many of the women, the effect of the cacao was comparable to the effect before pregnancy/breastfeeding. However, the consensus is that they were more sensitive and felt the cacao more quickly. Accordingly, they automatically consumed less cacao to experience a similar strong effect as before this particular time. One of the women shared that she had a strong feeling of letting the cacao plant accompany her during pregnancy. Moreover, her intention was different; her heart was already very open and she already had a good access to her feelings. She adds:

'It gave me more of a sense of holding and being nurtured, because as a mother, the moment I'm pregnant, I'm already holding space for my baby, carrying and tending the baby, and so I thought it was nice to have a guardian by my side, in this case the cacao plant.'


Some of the women reported that cacao did not noticeably change their connection to their child because it was already very much there anyway. The women tell that cacao gave them the familiar feeling of well-being and they are sure that their child perceived this. Small cacao rituals for themselves were considered very valuable - for both mother and child. Three of the women think that the cacao influenced the feeling towards their child very much in a positive sense. They were able to better connect with their role as mother and its meaning, while being at peace with themselves and opening up even more to the living being within. Thus, not only the connection to their own heart, but also the connection to the heart of the child had become much more intense.

Quote from a woman in response to the question "Did you feel that the cacao affected the connection between you and your child?"

'Absolutely. That's the reason why I would recommend every woman to drink cacao during pregnancy. Because it created a totally deep connection. And I also partly felt like I was totally intensely receiving things that were concerning him (her son) and of course for me there were moments where doubts came up. And there it helped me super to find the trust with the cacao and to feel him also so. Also to talk to me in a certain way, to communicate. And also to let him flow with a lot of what I wanted to give him. Yes, I think that already intensified our relationship during the pregnancy.'


One of the women drank cacao with her partner during her birth. Her birth stretched over two days and nights, and the cacao helped make her emotionally stronger during that time. Another woman took ceremonial cacao with cinnamon, cardamom and cayenne pepper to the birthing clinic, as these spices are considered to promote labor. However, since everything 'flowed' during the birth and she was 'perfect in her nature' and she did not want to intervene, it remained with the spatial presence of the cocoa spirit.

Another woman made herself a cacao the morning her labor began. However, she only drank a few sips because it didn't really feel coherent to her after all.

Immediately after the birth, the women had no experience with the consumption of cacao. One of the women explained that she did not want to influence the first bonding with her child or her hormonal changes, and therefore did not drink cacao for the first time after the birth. This time was anyway characterized by so much magic, new beginnings and growth that she just wanted to consciously allow and feel.


While the craving for cacao was consistent for some of the women during pregnancy, it tended to be lower or variable for most. For example, one of the women's craving for cacao was very low in the first trimester, while it became somewhat more moderate in the second and third. Even when breastfeeding, her craving for cacao remained rather moderate. One of the women shared that it is during pregnancy that she craves cocoa more and feels the desire to invite the plant energy of cocoa. It was also mentioned that drinking cacao could counter cravings for sweets as well as morning sickness. The women generally agree that the cacao served as a great nutrient provider for them and their child.

The women did not notice any contraindications associated with the consumption of cacao; on the contrary, they found the combination of cacao with the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding to be very compatible and doable.


Zusammenfassend würde ich sagen:
Kakao war für mich in der Schwangerschaft/ Stillzeit eine Begleiterin, die…

'...was a great support and a wonderful companion. Especially in this time, since it's a very feminine plant for me, which is also very supportive again, going into this herding, taking care of, nurturing the baby on so many levels. I find it so valuable as a woman and mother to be accompanied, nurtured and tended to there as well.'

'...gave me strength and grounding.'

'...gave me a lot of relaxation, love and heart opening and carried and carries me very beautifully through pregnancy and breastfeeding.'

'...soothed me, gave me strength, caressed me inside and rooted me.'

'...helped me prepare for this new passage in life.'

'...simply connects me with my true essence, with my heart, with my strength and joy of life and accordingly also strengthens this original connection to my body and to the baby and through this I just totally come into love.'

'A great companion that activates beautifully and energizes after sleepless nights. Also, it's wonderful for the mom and the baby when the mom is connected to the heart, beaming with joy and nourishing the baby with Cacaocita love.'


'I think there should be more education on the subject because I have heard from several women at cacao ceremonies that I should not drink cacao at all, that it is stimulating, just like coffee, and that it can be dangerous for the baby to drink cacao.' I have read up on the subject, but at the same time I have the impression that I can listen to my body. To what makes me feel good. If it is good for me, I don't think it can be bad for the baby. I have experienced myself that people in Central & South America, who work a lot with cacao, also give cacao to pregnant women and there it is absolutely no problem. Therefore, I think it would be nice if there would be more education, so that pregnant women realize that they can integrate cacao calmly. That it's nothing dangerous, actually the opposite, that it can be so healing and have so many positive effects.'

'I didn't drink cacao during my pregnancy because I heard that it can have negative effects on the baby. However, with my current intuitive knowledge (post-pregnancy), I would definitely drink ceremonial cacao in my next pregnancy.'

I don't want to add too much more to these beautiful concluding words. Women's experiences have shown that mama cacao can be a wonderful, nurturing companion during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Listening intuitively to the body is, of course, especially important during this time. However, the inner voice was felt by the women surveyed to be particularly strong and clear, especially at this time. In this sense, we would like to encourage women to trust in the wisdom of their bodies during pregnancy and breastfeeding and to listen to what is good for them and their child.

Wie bereite ich am besten meinen Kakao zu?
Unsere Zubereitungsempfehlung

5th of October 2022


Hanna Krause

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Raw cacao - a myth?

Ceremonial Grade Cacao

Raw cacao - a myth?

Does raw cacao really offer so much more for us and our health than other forms of conventional cacao?

Ist der Hype um das Superfood und seine zeremonielle Verwendung wirklich berechtigt? Und warum eigentlich der Name ‚Roher Kakao‘? Diese Fragen kamen auch in uns auf, als wir das erste Mal mit zeremoniellem Kakao in Kontakt kamen. Sie haben an dieser Stelle auch ihre volle Berechtigung – wir möchten für Transparenz sorgen, damit du dir dein eigenes Bild machen kannst.

To understand why there is a distinction between 'regular' and 'raw' cacao in the vernacular, let's first take a brief look at the cacao mass manufacturing process. After the cacao fruits have been harvested by hand, they are opened and the cacao seeds or beans are removed. They are then placed together with their pulp in large vessels for fermentation. The heat that prevails in the tropical growing regions, coupled with the high sugar content of the pulp, ensures that the mass ferments. The alcohol produced during this process prevents the seeds from germinating. This production step causes the beans to lose their bitterness and they acquire their classic, full cocoa aroma. In the next step, the beans are dried to preserve them. The most natural and energy-saving method here is to dry the beans directly under the sun's rays or in large, airy rooms.

Even up to this processing step, the cocoa beans are naturally exposed to heat. On the one hand, the fermented mass reaches temperatures of up to 50°C as a result of fermentation, and on the other hand, no upper temperature limit can be guaranteed during natural drying by the sun.

Many suppliers of ceremonial cacao state that it is raw and thus unroasted. This titling is intended to infer maximum preservation of nutrients and thus the highest possible health benefits. However, the designation of food as 'raw' is not legally protected and is therefore not subject to any specific requirements. In common parlance, the term 'raw food' refers to food that has not exceeded the 42-47°C margin. As can now be seen at this point, this promise cannot be kept for the usual cocoa mass production. This contradiction becomes even clearer with the subsequent production step, roasting.

Roasting the cacao, which involves temperatures of 100-150°C, creates new flavor compounds that give the cacao its familiar aroma and make it edible in the first place. It also ensures that microbial contamination of the cacao is reduced. An alternative procedure by which the germs can be killed is a sterilizing steam bath. If this procedure is chosen in order to be able to use the cacao without health risks, temperatures of over 100°C are also reached.

It is often read that heating the cacao above 47°C would result in a loss of its nutrients. These include the flavonoid epicatechin, which is said to have various positive health effects. Through our own research, we found that the amount of the flavonoid epicatechin decreases when heated above 70°C. The core temperature of epicatechin is the temperature at which it is most effective. However, reaching this core temperature is essential for the production of a cacao suitable for consumption, as described. Furthermore, we have come across several sources (1; 2) that demonstrate that the health benefits of cacao can even be enhanced by roasting (depending on temperature & duration) due to an increase in flavonoids. Ultimately, it is primarily the Dutching process that has been shown to reduce the levels of the flavonoids catechin and epicatechin to as low as 20%, and 2% respectively. This process is used in conventional cocoa products. However, we ensure minimal processing of the cacao, so this step is deliberately omitted.

Zusammenfassend lässt sich also sagen, dass der Begriff ‘Roher Kakao’ nicht darauf schließen lässt, dass seine Rohform bewahrt wurde. Bereits durch natürliche Temperatureinflüsse kann eine Kerntemperatur von maximal 47°C meist nicht eingehalten werden. Hinzu kommt, dass bei vielen ProduzentInnen oftmals die Transparenz im Produktionsprozess fehlt, um sichere Aussagen über die genauen Verarbeitungsschritte und -bedingungen treffen zu können.

Unlike in the mass industry, where strong heating of the cacao up to burning is not uncommon, our cacao beans are roasted gently, as the indigenous peoples of Central and South America have done since time immemorial.

Aus Liebe zur Umwelt empfehlen wir, Roher Kakao stets mit veganen Milchalternativen zuzubereiten. Des Weiteren weisen Forschungsergebnisse (siehe Serafini et al. 2003) darauf hin, dass Milch die Aufnahme der im Kakao enthaltenen Antioxidantien beeinträchtigen kann und somit potenzielle gesundheitliche Vorteile verringert oder unterbunden werden können.

Wir hoffen, durch diesen Beitrag ein wenig mehr Klarheit in die Roher Kakao-Thematik gebracht zu haben. Falls du über Forschungsprojekte oder Studien weißt, die unseren Wissensschatz in dieser Hinsicht erweitern könnten, freuen wir uns natürlich jederzeit über deine Kontaktaufnahme.

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Payne, M.J., Hurst, W.J., Miller, K.B. et al. (2010): Impact of Fermentation, Drying, Roasting, and Dutch Processing on Epicatechin and Catechin Content of Cacao Beans and Cocoa Ingredients. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (58) 19. 10518–10527. DOI:

Penn State (2018): Cocoa bean roasting can preserve both chocolate health benefits, taste. ScienceDaily. Available here:

Serafini, M., Bugianesi, R., Maiani, G. et al. (2003): Plasma antioxidants from chocolate. Nature 424(1013). DOI:



11th of August 2022

Hanna Krause

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4 minutes

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