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Ceremonial Grade Cacao

Our cacao preparation recommendation

Ob ganz traditionell, bunt und fancy oder vielleicht sogar fruchtig & blumig – du hast die Wahl!

In diesem Artikel geben wir dir eine allgemeine Empfehlung für deine Kakao Zubereitung, die du mit viel individuellem Spielraum genießen kannst. Denn Geschmäcker sind schließlich verschieden. Deshalb empfehlen wir dir, einfach mal ein wenig herum zu experimentieren. Bedenke, dass auch jede Kakaosorte ein eigenes Aroma hat und der Geschmack deines Kakaogetränks somit nicht nur von weiteren Zutaten, sondern auch von der Kakaomasse selbst mitbestimmt wird. Aber ganz bestimmt wirst du von selbst herausfinden, welche Highlights deine Sorte in ein besonders gutes Licht stellen. Wir sind gespannt, von deinem Lieblingsrezept zu hören!

You need:

  • 25 - 40g ceremonial cacao mass
  • about 250ml liquid of choice - water and/ or a vegan milk alternative
  • if desired: about 1-2 tablespoons of coconut blossom sugar or syrup
  • a pinch of salt
  • spices to taste (see end of recipe)
  • utensils for heating & mixing the cacao
  • your personal heart intention


1. Finely grind the cacao mass

If the cacao mass is still in a fairly large chunk, you should first chop it up a bit with a knife to help it melt. We recommend a dose of between 25 and 40 g, depending on your intention.

2. Measure the liquid

To measure the appropriate amount of liquid, it is best to use your cup from which you want to drink the cacao. According to the original Mayan and Aztec recipe, water is used. If you like it a little creamier and milder, you can also use a plant-based milk alternative. Or you can mix the two together - for example, ⅔ water and ⅓ plant milk.

3. Choice of other ingredients

According to the recipe of the indigenous peoples of Central and South America, only a little chili and vanilla are added to refine the water-based cacao drink.

Falls du gerade erst die ersten Kontakte mit Kakao machst und dich vielleicht überfordert fühlst von all den Möglichkeiten, raten wir dir, dich erst einmal nah am traditionellen Rezept der Kakao Zubereitung zu halten. Falls dir Chili oder Vanille für den Anfang zu ausgefallene Gewürze sind, kannst du dich auch gut mit Zimt ausprobieren.

If you're in a more experimental mood, you'll be happy to know that cacao also blends beautifully with many other spices. Nowadays there are many different recipes and combinations with cacao - get inspired or get creative and develop your own favorite recipe.

At the end of this post you will find suggestions for possible spices and information about their effects. You can also add a small pinch of salt to the mixture to intensify the flavor and accentuate the highlights.

Now let's move on to sweetening the cacao. In the traditional way of preparation, no sweeteners are added. However, if the drink is too bitter for you, you can sweeten it with our organic & fairtrade coconut blossom sugar or a syrup (e.g. agave syrup, date or yacon syrup). Alternatively, if you use a blender, you can add dried or fresh fruit to sweeten, such as dates or a banana. There really are no limits to your creativity!

Of course, don't forget the most important ingredient - your personal heart intention for your cacao ritual. Place a hand on your heart, take a deep breath and feel what it needs right now.

4. Put it together

You can then combine the cacao, liquid, and other ingredients of your choice in a vessel to heat. This can be as simple as a saucepan where you gently heat the liquid up to about 60-80°C, stirring constantly with a whisk to melt it. If you prefer a more frothy cacao, you can froth the liquid with a molinillo (wooden whisk) or simply use a milk frother or blender with heat function. It is important that the cacao does not begin to boil, so that its nutrients remain contained.

5. Pour it & enjoy

Das war’s auch schon mit der Kakao Zubereitung – wenn der Kakao sich vollständig aufgelöst hat und alle Zutaten gut vermengt sind, brauchst du ihn nur noch in deine Lieblingstasse einzugießen. Vielleicht magst du noch ein paar optische Akzente durch Blütenblätter setzen und fertig ist dein Göttinnen-/ Göttertrunk. Enjoy!


    with its spiciness, it will get you going and ignite the fire inside you.
  • Cinnamon

    a mildly warming all-rounder spice that has a calming and mood-lifting effect.

  • Cardamom
    as one of the oldest spices in the world, it presents itself as a sweet and spicy pick-me-up that brings you into balance.
  • Piment
    also called Jamaica pepper or myrtle pepper, combines the flavors of cinnamon, nutmeg and clove and has a warming & stimulating effect. It also has a more pleasant, mild spiciness compared to pepper.
  • Cloice
    a spicy, sweetish and slightly pungent addition that has a stimulating, antispasmodic and mood-lifting effect. A particularly suitable nuance for the winter season.
  • Turmeric
    a golden choice that has a balancing and warming effect. The root powder tastes peppery, bitter earthy, slightly spicy and is an excellent boost for the immune system. In the hue of the sun, turmeric makes you glow and radiate.
  • Ginger
    a fruity-hot spice with strong anti-inflammatory and digestive effects. For those days when a little zest & freshness is just what you need.
  • Flower leaves
    A loving add-on and expression of celebration. The range of pretty, edible flowers is vast. We suggest you use local blossoms that had no contact with chemical pesticides whenever possible. Maybe you'd even like to go exploring in nature yourself? A particularly beautiful combination with cacao is the rose - the symbol of love with a heart-strengthening effect and a flowery, slightly bitter and tart, yet sweet taste.

Bei weiteren Fragen oder sogar Ideen zum Thema Kakao Zubereitung, schreib uns doch gerne auf Instagram an:


2nd of August 2022

Eva & Elias

Reading time
6 minutes

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