Pura Vida Cacao
Exclusive organic Trinitario cacao from Uvita, Costa Rica

From 27,90 
34,50  /kg

  • One of the only organic ceremony cacao all of Costa Rica
  • herausragend anregend & belebend
  • Rooted in one of THE world's biodiversity hotspots
  • Unique velvety-nutty and complex-spicy taste with berry notes
  • biologisch zertifizierter, fairerer & ganzheitlicher Anbau
  • Supporting the expansion and strengthening of cacao cultivation in the country with the best biological and social conditions
  • Beitrag zur Schaffung von sicheren & sinnstiftenden Arbeitsplätzen vor Ort
  • Beitrag zum nachhaltigen Kakaoanbau & dem Fortbestehen diverser Pflanzenarten


Pura Vida Cacao

pure life force from the heart of the Costa Rican jungle through our Pura Vida cocoa


Pura Vida cacao is grown amidst the evergreen jungle near the Pacific coast, in a mystical place where an Indian cemetery once stood, by Bruno & his team with a passion for organic farming and outstanding quality cacao. Unruly & wild, colorful & fertile, this is what characterizes the Costa Rican cacao spirit - pure life in abundance.

Ideal geographic and botanical conditions, as well as a holistically conceived and practiced cooperation between man and nature characterize Bruno's project.


vibrant energy on his farm70ha large landconstant plant careHolistic sustainable cacao farming


Pura Vida Cocoa Beans


Pulsating energy at the Pura Vida Cacao Farm

Contrary to our expectations, we had been searching for months for an organically grown cacao in Costa Rica that would meet our quality standards. We were sobered to discover that there was hardly any organic cacao cultivation in the entire country. But our yearning did not go unheeded. When we experienced Bruno's passion and his fruits up close, we knew: this is the right place for us. Immediately, we felt the vibrant energy on his farm - a former Indian cemetery. The roots of the cacao plants thus literally spring from years of indigenous knowledge about the miracle bean. Even then, the indigenous tribe of the BriBris, whose energy is preserved here in the earth, had a special relationship with cacao. How great that now cacao is thriving right here and is allowed to pass on this cultural treasure of wisdom in its fruits. We do not want to miss this opportunity for you and for us!



Instead of pursuing the original idea of building an autonomous jungle condominium, Bruno allowed himself to be guided by his love of cacao as long as 30 years ago. As a result, some 36,000 cacao plants now thrive on his 70ha of land. In addition to cacao, he also sowed the seeds for numerous other plants in the beginning, but his energetic connection to the ancient useful plant of cacao was a very special one from the very beginning. The fact that Bruno's heart beats completely for the Pura Vida cacao is not lost on anyone when he loses a thought or a word about it; a sparkling glow shines from his eyes.


Constant plant care of Pura Vida cocoa

By growing and trading cocoa, Bruno contributes to the creation of local jobs and the social security of the workers. Jobs are generally rare in the south of Costa Rica and the

wenigen Jobgebote als Tagelöhner bieten versicherungstechnisch keinerlei Schutz. Neben dem Anbau von Kakao sichert Bruno zudem vielen weiteren Pflanzen das Fortbestehen. Einige von ihnen sind vom Aussterben bedroht, andere werden für die Aufrechterhaltung eines geschlossenen Ökosystems erhalten. So wird auf der Farm beispielsweise darauf geachtet, dass es genügend Pflanzen gibt, die den bestäubenden Insekten und solchen, die Schädlinge bekämpfen, ihre Nahrung liefern. Dieses ganzheitliche Denken und Handeln zeichnet Brunos gesamten Kakaoanbau aus. Pflanzenschutz – & Düngemittel werden ausschließlich aus biologischen und primär auf dem Anwesen vorzufindenden Materialien hergestellt. Um eine gute Bodenqualität und seine Reichhaltigkeit an Mikronährstoffen aufrechtzuerhalten, ist der Boden stets von Grünschnitt und übrigem Holzmaterial bedeckt. Doch nicht nur in ökologischer Hinsicht zeichnet sich Brunos Denken & Handeln durch ein symbiotisches Gesamtverständnis aus. Auch das Team begreift er als geschlossenen Organismus, in dem jeder Mensch und seine Funktion als gleichwertig angesehen werden.

Constant plant care, maintaining their maximum health and focusing on the reinforcement & resilience of the cacao plants - these are Bruno's keys to success for healthy crops and a sustainable commendable yield.


Holistic sustainable Pura Vida cocoa cultivation

In theory, Costa Rica offers the best conditions for the development of truly sustainable cocoa cultivation. Not only is the soil here considered one of the most fertile in the world, but nowhere else in the world is the understanding of organic cultivation taken as seriously as here. The entire cultivation and production of Bruno's Pura Vida cacao is subject to high, consistent requirements and controls for organic certification. In addition, his farm is a best practice example where social infrastructure is also strengthened. In addition, the entire production process is characterized by careful and loving manual labor. Warm-heartedness & passion - this gives the fine flavoured cocoa its very special aroma. We are looking forward to working with Bruno & his team. Even more so if you become a part of it.

You have specific questions about Bruno's farm and our cacao cooperation with him? Then feel free to contact us at any time!

Feel free to follow us on Instagram if you don't want to miss anything more on the topic of cocoa rituals: suyana.spirit

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Pura Vida Cacao
Exclusive organic Trinitario cacao from Uvita, Costa Rica
From 27,90 
34,50  /kg
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