Pura Vida Cacao
Pure life force from the heart of the Costa Rican jungle
Du wünschst dir einen stark belebenden, hoch qualitativen Kakao, der dich in den Genuss der vielfältigen Geschmäcker des Lebens bringt?
Dann partizipiere jetzt an unserer Kooperation mit Bruno & his team!
In the midst of the evergreen jungle near the Pacific coast, in a mystical place where an Indian cemetery once stood, Bruno & his team pursue their passion of organic cultivation of outstanding quality cacao. Unruly & wild, colorful & fertile, this is what characterizes the Costa Rican cacao spirit - pure life in abundance.
Ideal geographic and botanical conditions, as well as a holistically conceived and practiced cooperation between man and nature characterize Bruno's project.
As we all know, anticipation is the greatest joy! We would like to invite you to actively participate in our new Pura Vida project. Through your pre-order you directly support Bruno's sustainable cacao cultivation and pave the way of this noble variety to many hearts that may grow and heal through its effect.
Einer der wenigen 100% Bio-Kakaos ganz Costa Ricas
Organic cultivation
Ausschließlich biologisch zertifizierter, fairer & ganzheitlicher Anbau
Experience the unique, velvety-nutty and complex-spicy flavor with berry notes
We support local farmers and create secure and meaningful local jobs.
Aus einem Biodervisitäts-Hotspot
Wurzelt in einem DER Biodervisitäts-Hotspots der Welt
Herausragend anregend & belebend
From the depths stimulating, invigorating, dynamic, balancing
We are strengthening the expansion of cocoa farming in the country with the best biological and social conditions
Join us on a trip to Bruno's cacao plantation in Costa Rica
Als wir Brunos Leidenschaft und seine Früchte hautnah erlebten, wussten wir: this is the right place.
Immediately we felt the vibrant energy on his farm
Anders als es unsere Erwartungen erhoffen ließen, waren wir über Monate hinweg auf der Suche nach einem biologisch angebauten Kakao in Costa Rica, der unseren Qualitätsansprüchen gerecht wird. Ernüchternd stellten wir fest, dass im ganzen Land kaum organischen Kakaoanbau gibt. Doch unsere Sehnsucht blieb nicht unerhört. Als wir Brunos Leidenschaft und seine Früchte hautnah erlebten, wussten wir: hier sind wir richtig. Unmittelbar spürten wir die pulsierende Energie auf seiner Farm – einem ehemaligen Indianerfriedhof.
Die Wurzeln der Kakaopflanzen entspringen somit wortwörtlich jahrelangem, indigenen Wissen über die Wunderbohne. Schon damals hatte der indigene Tribe der BriBris, deren Energie hier in der Erde wahrt, eine besondere Beziehung zum Kakao. Wie großartig, dass nun genau hier Kakao gedeiht und diesen kulturellen Schatz an Weisheit in seinen Früchten weitergeben darf. Diese Möglichkeit möchten wir euch und uns nicht entgehen lassen!
Seine energetische Verbindung zu der uralten Nutzpflanze des Kakao war von Beginn an eine ganz besondere
Instead of pursuing the original idea of building an autonomous jungle condominium, Bruno allowed himself to be guided by his love of cacao as long as 30 years ago. As a result, some 36,000 cacao plants now thrive on his 70ha of land. In addition to cacao, he also sowed the seeds for numerous other plants in the beginning, but his energetic connection to the ancient useful plant of cacao was a very special one from the very beginning. The fact that Bruno's heart beats completely for cacao escapes no one when he loses a thought or a word about it; a sparkling glow shines from his eyes.
In addition to the cultivation of cacao, Bruno ensures the continued existence of many other plants.
Through the cultivation and trade of cacao, Bruno contributes to the creation of local jobs and the social security of the workers. Jobs are basically rare in the south of Costa Rica and the few jobs offered as day laborers do not offer any protection in terms of insurance. In addition to the cultivation of cacao, Bruno also ensures the survival of many other plants. Some of them are threatened with extinction, while others are preserved to maintain a closed ecosystem. For example, care is taken on the farm to ensure that there are enough plants to provide food for pollinating insects and those that control pests. This holistic way of thinking and acting characterizes Bruno's entire cocoa cultivation. Crop protection & fertilizers are made exclusively from organic and primary materials found on the property. To maintain good soil quality and its richness in micronutrients, the soil is always covered with green cuttings and other woody material. But it is not only in ecological terms that Bruno's thinking & acting is characterized by a symbiotic overall understanding. He also understands the team as a closed organism, in which each person and his or her function are considered equal.
Constant plant care, maintaining their maximum health and focusing on the reinforcement & resilience of the cacao plants - these are Bruno's keys to success for healthy crops and a sustainable commendable yield.
Bruno's Pure Vida Cacao is subject to high, consistent requirements and controls for organic certification
In theory, Costa Rica offers the best conditions for the development of truly sustainable cocoa cultivation. Not only is the soil here considered one of the most fertile in the world, but nowhere else in the world is the understanding of organic cultivation taken as seriously as here. The entire cultivation and production of Bruno's cacao is subject to high, consistent requirements and controls for organic certification. In addition, his farm is a best practice example where social infrastructure is also strengthened. In addition, the entire production process is characterized by careful and loving manual labor. Warm-heartedness & passion - this is what gives the fine flavoured cocoa its very special aroma. We are looking forward to working with Bruno & his team. Even more so if you become a part of it.