Fly Amanita – capsules (60 pieces) Fly agaric powder from the forests of Lithuania

2,59  /g

Our Fliegenpilz – ein Wunder der Natur

  • 100% natural product, wild origin
  • stabilisiert die Stimmung und verringert emotionale Unausgeglichenheit
  • steigert die Motivation und löst Blockaden – Adieu Prokrastination
  • verschärft den Fokus und die Konzentration
  • for clear direction, self-confidence & inner strength
  • 60 Kapseln reichen für bis zu 3 Monate


Suyana's Amanita Muscaria

Unser Fliegenpilz – ein Wunder der Natur

Der Fliegenpilz besticht nicht nur durch seine Optik als extravagante Seltenheit in der Pilzwelt, er ist auch einer der wenigen seiner Art, die sich nicht züchten lässt, sondern lediglich wild wächst. Ein kleiner Rebell eben.

Die Wirkungsweise ist divers und bedient daher eine breite Masse an Wunschzetteln, dank der im Fliegenpilz enthaltenen Substanzen Muscimol & Ibotensäure.

Welche Wünsche der Fliegenpilz dir erfüllen kann

Bereits eine geringe Dosis (0,5 bis 2g | 1 bis 4 Kapseln) kann Dir für 4 bis 7 Stunden einen beachtlichen Energieschub geben.
Anwender des Fliegenpilzes berichten nicht nur von einem gesteigerten Selbstbewusstsein, sondern ebenfalls von einer Steigerung der Konzentration und geistiger Klarheit, welche keinen Raum mehr für Prokrastination bietet.
Fliegenpilz-Verbraucher erzählen, dass sie durch das Räuchern eine tiefere Verbindung zu sich selbst und zu ihren Emotionen verspüren und dank des gesteigerten Selbstvertrauens diese auch klarer kommunizieren können.
Darüber hinaus wird von Nutzern beschrieben, dass sie ihren inneren kreativen Fluss deutlicher wahrnehmen und eine allgemeine Stabilisierung der Stimmung empfinden, in Folge dessen Angstzustände sich lindern und die Schlafqualität sich deutlich verbessern kann.

Ist der Fliegenpilz in Deutschland erlaubt?

Unser schöner Rebell ist in Deutschland vollkommen legal, da seine Wirkstoffe Muscimol & Ibotensäure nicht dem Betäubungsmittelgesetz (BtmG) unterliegen. Dennoch ist der Fliegenpilz Deutschland bislang nicht als Lebens- oder Arzneimittel zugelassen, weshalb wir ihn als Räucherwerk anbieten.
Aus rechtlichen Gründen weisen wir daher darauf hin, dass der Fliegenpilz nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr vorgesehen ist.

Mehr Details zum Fliegenpilz, seiner Geschichte und den Hintergründen gibt es hier ↓



Under the names toadstool dried, lucky mushroom or guru mushroom, the bright red Amanita Muscaria with its white speckles is known worldwide. Various myths circulate around it, different and sometimes contradictory symbolic meanings are attributed to it. Happiness and poison, life and death - the associations with this creature are more contrary than they can hardly be.

The spirit of our Amanita Muscaria is especially characterized by its wildness - it gives courage and willpower to live out its essence, completely pure and raw. Sometimes extroverted and loud, sometimes wild and chaotic. Radical honesty is his motto. In the origin very wise, in the nature yet loving. Through the incense he caresses the user by a pleasant, sweetish-velvety scent.

Our fly agaric is a true wild catch, because it cannot be domesticated. Thus, it comes exclusively from forests where it has settled naturally. Despite all the scientific and technological advances, no one has yet managed to artificially breed the Amanita Muscaria, which reflects its innate nature in an almost teasing way.


Already recognizable by children with the naked eye, the toadstool reveals itself through its unmistakable appearance. Stem and lamellae in a white-yellowish hue, crowned by an orange-red hat, usually decorated with white flakes - what could also correspond to the style of a newfangled retro lamp is the classic look of the wondrous creature Amanita Muscaria.

Toadstools can be found almost everywhere in the northern hemisphere; in North and South America, throughout Europe, in northern Asia, in western Alaska and even in Australia. Our specimens come from natural, wild forests of Lithuania.

Not only the temperament, also the sociability he may have taken over from his human fellow inhabitants. Thus, the red toadstool is found only sporadically on its own and mostly in groupings. Its primary homeland, Lithuania, offers truly charming landscapes - crystal clear lakes, gigantic marshes, golden sand dunes and the refreshing Baltic Sea. You will also find stone-age villages and towns rich in tradition. In the midst of deep green forests, however, our toadstool prefers untouched nature and complete tranquility.

In symbiosis with other plant species, the Amanita Muscaria performs great services here. For the most part, the fungus itself consists of so-called mycelium, a thread-like network under the soil that interacts with other plant roots. The fungal network improves soil structure and makes it easier for other plants to absorb water and nutrients. In return, the fly agaric is provided with vital carbohydrates when dried at the root tips it protects.

The reddish fruiting body above the ground is formed from summer to late autumn, when it is neatly harvested by hand with great care by Lithuanian collectors.


For thousands of years, people have been experimenting with herbal effects for their own development. So also with the species Amanita Muscaria, which has long been of particular interest to spiritually interested people. After all, it was not only used as a flytrap preserved in milk and sugar (Muscaria = fly). It has been used for its ingredient muscimol since the 18th century, especially by shamanic peoples in Siberia. This active ingredient is formed during drying from part of the ibotenic acid it contains.

As probably the best known poisonous mushroom, the toxic effect of the fly agaric is often overestimated. In fresh form, it is indisputably poisonous due to the ibotenic acid it contains, but it is not classified as lethally poisonous. Some people even use it as an edible mushroom because the toxins are primarily in the skin of the cap and are mostly water soluble. Therefore, the red skin is removed and the mushroom is subjected to a water bath for several hours.

In the spirit of responsible handling, however, we expressly advise against oral consumption of the fly agaric. Instead, we offer it exclusively as incense to experience its subtle nature without falling into a state of intoxication.

According to its appearance, the toadstool is a prominent, rather dominant and extroverted character. Through experiences of shamanic cultures, it is said to give courage and willpower, fears and inhibitions would fade. Where he strengthens self-confidence, old feelings of shame would give way. Although it has a mild effect on users, it can bring out a wild and chaotic side. Moreover, it is said to induce a slight feeling of euphoria, in addition to a calm and clear mind. If the legends of primitive peoples are to be believed, Amanita Muscaria can help people authentically live their innermost, truest being.

It acts like a benevolent teacher, especially on the linguistic level, which is why it is sometimes called a guru mushroom. By formulating thoughts, it can help to create spiritual clarity. The toadstool surrounds the complexity of reality, simplifies it to the really relevant aspects at the moment and thus creates a clear direction. With loving wildness he wants to follow this self-determined and persevering.

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Fly Amanita – capsules (60 pieces) Fly agaric powder from the forests of Lithuania
2,59  /g