Flow Cacao
Traditional ceremony cocoa from Tabanan, Bali

From 25,90 โ‚ฌ
40,34 โ‚ฌ /kg

  • High quality cocoa paste, ideal for ceremonial use
  • Fruity taste experience with floral-nutty nuances
  • sanft herzรถffnend, beflรผgelnd & beschwingend
  • Mischkultur-Anbau durch Kleinbauern & lokale Familienbetriebe
  • Exclusive stock due to strongly limited harvesting periods
  • Sourced from one of Bali's few certified organic farming cooperatives
  • Manual processing according to German quality standards
  • fair direct trade & environmentally friendly shipping


Suyana's Flow Ceremony Cocoa

from the magnificent landscape of Tabanan


This high-quality ceremony cocoa from the heart of Bali is defined by its chocolaty, earthy character. An inspiring taste experience with a magnificent floral aroma landscape.

Once settled by powerful princes, Tabanan is now considered one of the most fertile regions of the island. Majestic rice terraces and cultural splendors characterize the region. This Bali Ceremony Cacao is just the right choice when you want to feel fully carried. It gently opens your heart and carries you on its wings towards the sun. Unfold your individual flow, like a beautiful blossoming bud in a colorful sea of flowers.


Bali - The island of the gods |ย Traditional cacao |ย Harvested by hand


Bali Ceremony Cocoa Pods


Inspiring charm of the island of the gods

Bali โ€“ auch bekannt als die Insel der Gรถtter โ€“ zeichnet sich aus durch ihr buntes Kaleidoskop an Kunst & Kultur, Glaube & Tradition sowie Flora & Fauna. Die vielfรคltige Kultur und das tropische Klima verleihen Bali den ganz besonderen Charme. Wunderschรถne Landschaftsbilder, ursprรผnglich-authentische Dรถrfer, traditionelle Tempel und eine Vielzahl an heiligen Orten: Tabanan besticht durch eine opulente Fรผlle in allen Lebensbereichen. Am bekanntesten ist die Region fรผr den Tanah Lot Tempel und ihre ikonischen Reisterrassen, die als UNESCO Weltkulturerbe ausgezeichnet sind. Doch nicht nur landwirtschaftliche Reichtรผmer lassen sich finden, auch das spirituelle Erbe Balis ist immens. Die Vielfalt der Insel drรผckt sich ebenfalls in den drei Religionen Hinduismus, Buddhismus und Animismus aus. Der Animismus folgt dem Verstรคndnis, dass die Natur in all ihren Formen beseelt ist. Durch zahlreiche Rituale und Feste werden die Fabel- & Geistwesen, Dรคmonen und Nymphen zelebriert und besรคnftigt.


Airy, light ceremony cocoa for liveliness & joie de vivre

This ceremony cocoa gives you an inspiring-light well-being. It gently opens the source to your creativity. Nourished by the diversity and fertility of the beautiful landscape of Bali, it invites you on a colorful journey full of inspiration. Like a gentle breeze of lightheartedness, it sweeps through your whole being, providing agility in solidified areas and brightening your state of mind. Its enjoyment promises you an all-around harmonious cocoa experience.

From time immemorial, this fine cocoa is used for ceremonial use. Its robustness & dexterity gladden the heart of every cocoa farmer and are the reason for its universal popularity.


Limited quantities, harvested by hand from small farmers and local family farms

The plants of our Flow cacao thrive in mixed cultures, grown and harvested by hand by various small farmers and family businesses that are part of one of Bali's few certified organic cacao cooperatives.

In order to provide the local population with a means of sustainable livelihood, the cooperative has taken it upon itself to source the cacao from a variety of individuals. These individuals lovingly plant Bali cacao in small quantities on their private property and dedicate themselves to the ripe fruit by harvesting it by hand. The cacao beans are then processed in a high-quality chocolate manufactory that is subject to German quality standards.

The close proximity of the fruit to the spiritual rites of the local population and the cultural heritage of the island nourish this variety in a very special way. The personal relationship of the farmers to the plant and the influence of their wealth of experience in the cultivation of cacao also gives Bali cacao its own individual character.

Due to this multidimensional abundance and the high degree of fertility of the land, this cacao gives you a richness as you dream of. As if carried on a cloud, you can let go and look forward to a sparkling journey into the flow.

You can find out more about sustainability here: Suyana - Sustainability

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Flow Cacao
Traditional ceremony cocoa from Tabanan, Bali
From 25,90 โ‚ฌ
40,34 โ‚ฌ /kg
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