Suyana Ceremonial Blend
Fine ceremonial organic cacao from Juanjuí, Peru

From 24,50 
31,30  /kg

  • ideal for cacao ceremonies
  • cacao mass with balanced chocolaty taste
  • inspiring aroma landscape with light coffee notes
  • grounding-energetic, stabilizing-stimulating
  • exclusive Suyana cacao bean collection from certified organic farming cooperative
  • mixed culture cultivation with various shade and fruit trees
  • fair direct trade


Suyana Ceremonial Blend

from Juanjuí - the heart of Peru


Ceremonial cacao by fine cacao bean collection from Peru, exclusively compiled for Suyana, is a real all-rounder. The balanced blend of Criollo & Trinitario provides a multi-layered cacao experience: Fruity notes of the fine Criollo cacao paired with earthy flavors of the Trinitario blend to create a smooth & balanced holistic flavor character.


THE YING-YANG AMONG CACAOSBest growing conditionsCacao instead of CocaineThe mixture makes the difference


Ceremonial cocoa harvest


Suyana Ceremonial Blend - The ying-yang among cacaos

Suyana Ceremonial Blend - ceremonial cacao presents itself as a balanced fusion of the ying & yang forces, a stabilizing & stimulating 360° cacao experience. The flavors of our Ceremonial Blend range from traditional chocolaty-tart to harmonious earthy-spicy nuances with classic coffee notes to dynamic fruit flavors like cherry, citrus or tropical.

This cacao has lived up to its name "Ceremonial Blend". It is the perfect accompaniment to cacao ceremonies: soft & stomach-friendly in the drink; gentle & loving on the cacao journey. A cacao that gently embraces you and allows forgiveness. As a teacher & healer, Suyana Ceremonial Blend can guide you confidently through meditation and initiate intense inner processes. Instead of hitting you over the head, it clarifies your vision and provides you with the willpower and energy necessary to take the next steps on your path. This cacao has truly become a good friend for us to cherish, love and enjoy.


Beste Anbaubedingungen für zeremoniellen Kakao

Suyanas Ceremonial Blend stammt aus der Region Juanjuí in der Provinz Mariscal Cáceres im zentralen Norden Perus. Zwischen den östlichen Ausläufern der peruanischen Zentralkordillere und den tropikalen Nationalparks Río Abiseo und Cordillera Azul gelegen, bezieht diese exklusive Kakaobohnen-Sammlung die mineralische Kraft der Anden und die fruchtbare-tropische Wärme & Feuchte des Amazonasgebietes (1400 mm Regen, 80-90% rF, 22-32° im Ø). Somit sind all die Anbaubedingungen, vereint, die es dem Kakao ermöglichen, in sein volles Potenzial zu wachsen, sodass seine vielschichtige Wirkungsweise für die Konsumentin/ den Konsumenten erfahrbar wird. Perfekte Gegebenheiten für einen ganzheitlich ausgereiften Suyana-Kakao.


Cacao instead of Cocaine

Wir beziehen unsere Kakaomasse direkt von einer lokalen, zertifizierten Kleinbauern- & Landwirtschaftskooperative. Unter dem Motto ‘Theobromin statt Kokain’ wurde die Kooperative vor 25 Jahren gegründet, um Coca-Pflanzen durch Kakao zu ersetzen und die mit der Drogenkriminalität einhergehende Gewalt zu beenden. Diese Erfolgsgeschichte schreibt sich fort: Statt den Rohstoff dem Kokainhandel zu überlassen, konzentriert sich die Kooperative auf die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Qualität des Kakaos. Heute zählt die Kooperative über 500 Mitglieder, denen durch den Anbau und die Verarbeitung des Kakaos ein guter Lebensstandard gewährleistet werden kann.


Ceremonial cacao through the perfect mix

This collection of cacao beans requires mixed cultivation; that is, it cannot be grown in monocultures. Due to the co-cultivation of and growing with various other plants and trees, this ceremonial cacao draws flavor particles from its large-green and frutal neighbors - various endemic woody and fruit tree species. In turn, thanks to agroforestry diversification, the growing region and the topsoil itself benefit greatly: efficiency, permanence and closed nutrient cycles - sustainability principles in action.

The climatic and soil conditions that prevail in the ecosystem surrounding the cacao growing area explain the diversified & holistic flavor of our Ceremonial Blend. Thanks to the considerate post-harvest process, our cacao liquor achieves its excellent quality, which you can taste and feel between your fingers. A cacao that will gladly share its balanced character with you. Santísimo Cacao!

We recommend for this purpose: Vanilla powder For a soothing, sweet aroma

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Suyana Ceremonial Blend
Fine ceremonial organic cacao from Juanjuí, Peru
From 24,50 
31,30  /kg
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