250,00 € /kgAusführung wählen
From 15,00 €
250,00 € /kg
In den nebelverhangenen Hängen der majestätischen tropischen Anden, umhüllt von einem mystischen Schleier, entspringt die einzigartige Herkunft unserer Chili, die wir liebevoll “Putchicana Chili” nennen. Ihr klangvoller Name trägt die Geschichte einer kleinen Ortschaft namens Chicana in sich, einer malerischen Gemeinde in der bezaubernden Provinz Zamora in Ecuador. Es war in den fruchtbaren Tälern dieser atemberaubenden Landschaft, dass die Habanero-Sorte erstmals ihre Wurzeln schlug. Hier, in der Nähe von Chicana, wurde diese besondere Chili-Sorte von einer kleinen Familie entdeckt, etabliert, gezüchtet und liebevoll kultiviert. Das üppige Grün der tropischen Anden bieten den idealen Nährboden für die Entfaltung ihres einzigartigen Aromas und ihrer intensiven Schärfe.
Discovered by Govannie during one of his trips through the eastern Andes, this Habanero variety was created more by chance than by deliberate breeding. Since then, it has been bred and grown on the family farm. The Putchicana chili impresses with its intense fruity note and fiery heat, a fascinating combination of flavors that makes it an integral part of Ecuadorian cuisine. For a long time, it was only available on domestic markets.
Under the loving care and supervision of the family, this unique Habanero variety is now being cultivated on their plantations in Ecuador by the second generation. The seeds are a well-guarded family treasure and can only be found in the family's fields.
Der klangvolle Name “Putchicana Chili” geht auf die Ortschaft Chicana zurück, die in der Provinz Zamora in Ecuador liegt. In ihrer Nähe wurde diese Habanero-Sorte nach ihrer Entdeckung zum ersten Mal etabliert, gezüchtet und angebaut.
The taste and aroma are a symphony of the senses - intensely fruity with a subtle sweet note that envelops the palate in an exciting way. The Putchicana chili is not only a source of spiciness, but also a rich choice for connoisseurs who appreciate spicy foods with an additional dimension of taste. The Putchicana chili is a true queen of spices, giving your dishes, but also your ceremonial cocoa, a powerful spiciness that takes the taste experience to a new level.
But the Putchicana chili is not only a feast for the palate, but also for health. Its secret lies in the capsaicin, which is responsible for its spiciness. This spicy element is associated with various health benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The Putchicana chili, far more than just a taste sensation, is a source of vitality and well-being.
We recommend adding a pinch of Putchicana chili to your ceremonial cacao to enhance the effects of the raw cacao.
Give it a try & feel the fire in your cocoa moment.
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