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Suyanas Explorer Box Our 4 organic cacao varieties to enjoy


  • Atalaya de Tres Rios Bio Criollo-Kakao aus Ucayali, Peru

    • Criollo cacao for ceremonies & intense processes
    • Cacao mass with powerful chocolate flavor
    • unique spicy flavors with individual performance
    • ursprünglich, intensiv & tiefgehend, klärend
    • "River cacao" from Ucayali in east-central Peru
    • organic certified cultivation by family cooperative
    • fair direct trade & environmentally friendly shipping
  • Flow Kakao
    Traditioneller Zeremonie Kakao aus Tabanan, Bali

    • High quality cocoa paste, ideal for ceremonial use
    • Fruity taste experience with floral-nutty nuances
    • sanft herzöffnend, beflügelnd & beschwingend
    • Mischkultur-Anbau durch Kleinbauern & lokale Familienbetriebe
    • Exclusive stock due to strongly limited harvesting periods
    • Sourced from one of Bali's few certified organic farming cooperatives
    • Manual processing according to German quality standards
    • fair direct trade & environmentally friendly shipping
  • Suyana Ceremonial Blend
    Feiner zeremonieller Bio Kakao aus Juanjuí, Peru

    • ideal for cacao ceremonies
    • cacao mass with balanced chocolaty taste
    • inspiring aroma landscape with light coffee notes
    • grounding-energetic, stabilizing-stimulating
    • exclusive Suyana cacao bean collection from certified organic farming cooperative
    • mixed culture cultivation with various shade and fruit trees
    • fair direct trade
  • Pura Vida Kakao
    Exklusiver Bio Trinitario-Kakao aus Uvita, Costa Rica

    • One of the only organic ceremony cacao all of Costa Rica
    • herausragend anregend & belebend
    • Rooted in one of THE world's biodiversity hotspots
    • Unique velvety-nutty and complex-spicy taste with berry notes
    • biologisch zertifizierter, fairerer & ganzheitlicher Anbau
    • Supporting the expansion and strengthening of cacao cultivation in the country with the best biological and social conditions
    • Beitrag zur Schaffung von sicheren & sinnstiftenden Arbeitsplätzen vor Ort
    • Beitrag zum nachhaltigen Kakaoanbau & dem Fortbestehen diverser Pflanzenarten

  • 4 x 250g packages of our rare cacao masses of the highest quality
  • Ideal for ceremonial use
  • diverse taste experiences and special nuances
  • Heart-opening effect with individual accents for every occasion
  • spectrum of effects ranging from deep and intense, to grounding and harmonizing, to energizing, uplifting and inspiring
  • Exclusive sourcing from various cultivation areas worldwide with a high degree of fertility and richness
  • exclusively organically certified cultivation by small farmers and local family businesses
  • High ethical standards and transparency along the entire production chain
  • fair direct trade & environmentally friendly shipping

Suyanas Explorer Box

Would you like to taste all our cacao varieties, experience their character for yourself and find out which flavors are best suited for your desired purpose? Then our tasting set is just the right thing for you! You can expect a 250g package (about 6-8 servings) of each of our four high-quality cacao varieties, all of which are ideally suited for ceremonial use. Their experiential differences lie in their appearance, taste and individual effects. Let your heart speak for you and find out which cacao makes your eyes sparkle!

Here you get a short overview of the different varieties. On the individual product page you will find more detailed information about the origin, growing conditions and the special features of the cacao variety. All our products are organically grown and produced under fair conditions. Transparency at all levels ensures that our standards are always met.

Suyana Ceremonial Blend

Suyana Ceremonial Blend is a collection of fine cacao varieties from Juanjuí, Peru. In terms of taste, this variety is characterized by its chocolaty nature, subtle coffee notes and its fruity and earthy highlights. This raw cacao is particularly gentle and mild, making it a loving companion to your ceremony, standing by your side like a good friend.

Flow Cacao

Our Balinese flow cocoa from the nourishing Tabanan region gives you an inspiring, light feeling of well-being. It gently opens the source of your creativity. Nourished by the diversity and fertility of Bali's beautiful landscape, it invites you on a colorful journey full of inspiration. Like a gentle breeze of lightheartedness, it roams through your entire being, ensures agility in solidified areas and brightens your state of mind. Enjoying it promises you an all-round harmonious cocoa experience.

You can find more about cacao ceremonies and us on our Instagram profile:

Pura Vida Cacao

Unser fruchtige Pura Vida Kakao ist im immergrünen Dschungel Costa Ricas beheimatet. Wild, bunt und unbändig – das ist das Wesen dieses Edelkakaos. Er lässt dich lebendig fühlen und spiegelt das Leben in voller Fülle wider –  ganz nach dem Motto: das Leben ist ein Fest. Kraftvoll schokoladiger Geschmack mit klaren, aber sanften Nuancen.  

Atalaya de Tres Rios

This noble Criollo cocoa mass from east central Peru is characterized by its individual flavor nuances. Based on the noble Criollo cocoa, the rare Atalaya variety was born in the Ucayali region. A ceremonial cacao, unique in its kind and cultivated only in this area by experienced experts. Atalaya de Tres Rios convinces with its powerful but smooth chocolate flavor with surprising gustos. Ideal for deep sessions & meditations as well as very personal cacao journeys.

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Suyanas Explorer Box Our 4 organic cacao varieties to enjoy
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